Research Paper代写范例-道德在建筑业中的重要性。本文是一篇本站提供的research paper代写参考范文,主要内容是讲述在建筑行业,由于专业人士实现目标的要求和压力,遵循基于道德思维的价值观变得越来越困难。本篇Research Paper指出在目前的状态和时代,太多了,金钱和成功主宰了一切。该行业的大多数专业人士都尽最大努力以合乎道德的方式行事,但灰色地带确实存在。人们很容易卷入涉及利益冲突、贿赂、疏忽和环境不当行为的情况。组织实施道德行为的能力取决于公司的规模,而小公司往往不太重视企业社会责任,因为底线和生存在层级上更高。在商业和职业道德应由个人道德和标准驱动的情况下,专业人员在工作中诚信行事是很重要的。下面就一起来看一下这篇research paper代写范例的具体内容。
Background to the study:研究背景
In the construction industry, following values based on ethical thinking is becoming harder due to the requirements and pressures put on professionals to achieve goals. In this current state and time, too many, money and success governs all. Most professionals in the industry try their upmost to act in an ethical manner but grey areas do exist. It is easy to get involved in situations involving conflict of interest, bribery, negligence and environmental misconduct. An organisations ability to enforce ethical behavior relies on the size of the firm where smaller companies tend to emphasise less on Corporate Social Responsibility as bottom lines and survival are higher up on the hierarchy. It is important that professionals act with integrity in their work where business and professional ethics should be driven by personal ethics and standards.
The construction industry is deemed to be one of the most fraudulent industries worldwide (Transparency international, 2005) where 48% of construction professionals feel that corruption is commonplace within the industry (CIOB,) and 41% had been personally offered bribes at least once during their careers according a survey (,2006).
Research Paper指出建筑业被认为是世界上最具欺诈性的行业之一,根据一项调查,48%的建筑专业人士认为腐败在行业内很常见,41%的人在职业生涯中至少有过一次个人贿赂。
Ethical codes alone are not adequate enough to ensure transparency by professionals where these codes should be enforced using employer training and the appointment of personal such as an ethics officer to oversee ethical issues within the organization (Calhoune, 2001). Therefor the size of a firm plays a key role in its ability to apply CSR.
Aim & objectives of the study: 研究目的和目标
Determine the importance of ethics in the construction industry and the effects it has on the outcome of an organisations success depending on firm size
To determine factors affecting professionals behavior in ethics in the construction industry 确定影响建筑行业职业道德行为的因素
To identify what role ethics has on a project and firms success 确定道德对项目和公司成功的作用
To show the importance of ethics in the current construction industry and its effects 显示道德在当前建筑业中的重要性及其影响
To determine how organisation size plays a role in the enforcement of ethics.确定组织规模如何在道德执行中发挥作用。
Why and how do ethical issues occur in the construction industry?为什么以及如何在建筑业中出现道德问题?
How do ethical principles differ and apply to the construction industry depending on firm size or organisation structure?根据公司规模或组织结构的不同,道德原则如何不同并适用于建筑业?
What is the driving force that prevents ethical behavior by professionals in the industry?阻碍业内专业人士道德行为的驱动力是什么?
What impact does good ethical behavior have on a firms or project success?良好的道德行为对公司或项目的成功有什么影响?
Research Methodology:研究方法
A literature review was done to understand the issues around business ethics in the industry, the different types of ethical misconduct and its impact on a firm’s outcome and how the size of an organisation effects the level of importance of ethical behaviour and conduct by professionals.
A Questionnaire survey will be developed and given to construction firms of varying size concerning individuals experiences on ethical issues within the construction industry
A Statistical/data analysis of the survey feedback will be performed in order to answer the set out aims and objectives
Keyfindingsfrom the literature review:文献综述中的关键发现
The most common unethical situations faced in the construction industry include; cover pricing, bid cutting, late and short payments, lack of safety ethics on site, unfair tender/final account negotiations towards contractors.建筑行业中最常见的不道德情况包括:;包括定价、截标、迟交和短交、现场缺乏安全道德、对承包商进行不公平的投标/决算谈判。
Good ethical behavior is key in gaining optimal benefits and good functionality from the industry 良好的道德行为是从行业中获得最佳利益和良好功能的关键
Most companies irrespective of size have some sort of ethical code of conduct in place 大多数公司,无论规模大小,都有某种道德行为准则
Ethics in the construction industry’s advancement relies heavily on the implementation and policies of ethical guidelines set up by private organisations and professional bodies 建筑业的道德发展在很大程度上取决于私营组织和专业机构制定的道德准则的实施和政策
Large firms tend to apply more stakeholder theory whereas small firms use social capital 大公司倾向于应用更多的利益相关者理论,而小公司则使用社会资本
SMEs should not have to adopt the same strategies and managerial tools as large organisations 中小企业不应该采用与大型组织相同的战略和管理工具
An ethical code of conduct is unlikely to affect those aware of blatant unethical conduct but more so to situations where there is unintentional ethical misconduct 道德行为准则不太可能影响到那些意识到公然不道德行为的人,但在存在无意道德不端行为的情况下更是如此
An absence of a formal ethical code of conduct does not mean that there is a lack of concern for ethics 没有正式的道德行为准则并不意味着缺乏对道德的关注
Small firm personal do not feel compelled to act unethically but due to pressure can act in a way considered to be less than ethical, pressures including lack of resources and competitive market 小公司个人不会感到被迫采取不道德的行为,但由于压力,可能会以不道德的方式行事,压力包括缺乏资源和竞争性市场
Pressures faced in the industry affect behavior which include economic requirements and deadlines, competitive nature of the industry and for smaller firms lack of resources to perform at the desired level 行业面临的压力会影响行为,包括经济要求和截止日期、行业的竞争性质以及小公司缺乏资源以达到预期水平
Smaller firms use their strong relationships built through trust, reputation and sincerity with stakeholders, customers and local community to improve their stake in the market. On the overhand small firms are unable to obtain relational capital through managerial tools such as ethical codes of conduct which in the long term is helpful in creating value and revenue 小型公司利用与利益相关者、客户和当地社区建立的信任、声誉和真诚的牢固关系来提高其在市场中的份额。从长远来看,小公司无法通过道德行为准则等管理工具获得关系资本,而道德行为准则有助于创造价值和收入
Small firm personal tend to trust their own virtue over set codes including instinct and good habit from practical experience.小公司的个人倾向于相信自己的美德,而不是既定的准则,包括本能和实践经验中的好习惯。
Larger firms generally use formal protocols as a method to communicate ethical conduct whereas small firms tend to rely more on close working relationships 大公司通常使用正式协议作为沟通道德行为的方法,而小公司往往更依赖于密切的工作关系
A surveyors ethical standard is just as well affected by company culture of the organisation which is set at management level 测量师的道德标准同样受到管理层组织文化的影响
Firms with high ethical standards benefit financially due to good reputation, good client satisfaction and staff retention 具有高道德标准的公司因良好的声誉、良好的客户满意度和留住员工而从财务上受益
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