How to write a research paper?A research paper is a piece of academic writing that involves comprehensive research on a specific topic. It includes a complete study on the research paper topic and also contains a detailed analysis. This paper is written to persuade the audience by evaluating the topic and by the stance of the writer.This article provides you with relevant writing research paper tips, steps and examples for your reference.
一、research paper outline
An outline is the backbone of your document. A research paper outline is based on several parts or components. Each part should be drafted professionally to make sure that the overall paper is effective and well structured.
There are some basic elements that all research paper outlines have. Read the guidelines provided to make sure that your research paper has all the required parts.
Title/Cover Page
Main Body
No matter which format style you follow, these are the basic things that are included in every research paper outline.
Continue reading to know how each part of the research paper is drafted.
二、how to write a research paper
In order to write an effective and good research paper, a writer needs to be aware of the research and writing process. This includes understanding the structure in which your research paper is shaped—the development of the theme and the thesis statement.
A research paper that is well written and constructed will surely win you good grades in academics. Not just that, writing a research paper helps in a person’s practical life as well. It represents how intellectual and potential a person is.
A research paper is written in the following order:
1. Title Page
A title or a cover page of a research paper is the first page that a reader sees so it makes a lot of difference. This page contains information like the name of the writer, instructor, institute, and the date of submission of the paper. It also states the title of the research paper to tell people what the topic is discussed.
2. Abstract
An abstract is to a research paper what a trailer is to the movie. It includes a summary of the main theme and ideas of the research paper. An abstract is a summary so it should exceed a page.
In simpler terms, an abstract provides an overview of the topic on which the research is done. It doesn’t include explanations and details about the topic but stays focused on the research question. An abstract contains the following information:
Steps were taken for the study of the topic
How was the research conducted?
Main outcomes of the research.
The structure in which this information will be provided should be the topic, key ideas, and results. In the abstract, make sure not to add information like the background of your study and the referencing procedure.
3. Introduction
The purpose of the introduction is to inform the reader about the topic and the major thesis statement that will be discussed in the paper, so it should be informative. The introduction is divided into three parts; area of research, background information, and the thesis statement.
In order to make your introduction interesting for readers, add information and points that are relevant to the central idea.
In general, writing the introduction paragraph of a research paper should include the following things:
Background information on the topic
Aims and objectives of the research conducted
Background information on the problem area.
Technical details
Thesis Statement
A thesis statement is the main argument about the research paper that identifies the writer’s stance on the subject or a topic. It also acts as the preview or synopsis of the research paper. To write a thesis statement, use the topic of research, and organize the key ideas and points.
Usually, a thesis statement is a part of the introduction, but in some cases, an instructor wants his student to submit the thesis for the research paper separately. If you are not instructed to submit one separately, always add a thesis statement in your introduction to increase its strength and make it more impactful.
As the thesis statement is the core theme or for your research paper, every piece of information that you gather will naturally support this main argument.
4. Limitations
After introducing the topic and the major thesis statement, instantly state what you are going to do in the research. In this section, the writer limits the scope of the paper due to a number of factors. Anything that provided a limit in gata gathering and research is presented in this part of the research paper.
5. Methodology
Every research requires a writer to follow a methodology for collecting the data. Present the methodology you chose to gather information for your paper.
A researcher uses two basic methods. It is either qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative methods are used to gather data for subjects like humanities and social science.
In contrast to this, the quantitative method is the gathering of data in concrete numbers and figures. This method is used to collect data for scientific researchers where figures are studied to form a decision.
6. Literature Review
Reviewing and analyzing the work previously done on your topic is a literature review. The writer should draft this section in his paper to present what was the existing knowledge available and how his research contributed to the field.
7. Main Body
No matter which research paper type you are drafting and for which academic level, the body contains the findings, and discussion
All the information that you gather related to the topic will be part of this section. The bodies of the research papers basically organize your research. And the raw information in a sensible manner to make it understandable for the readers.
In this part of the research paper, you support your thesis statement with solid reasons. These reasons are the facts and evidence that prove your stance and that the main argument made is true.
A body is the soul of your research paper, as the essence and reasoning lie in this section. The body of a research paper includes the methods used to gather information, results, and discussion on those results and outcomes.
A researcher uses two methods to collect the data. It is either qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative methods are used to gather data for subjects like humanities and social science.
In contrast to this, the quantitative method is the gathering of data in concrete numbers and figures. This method is used to collect data for scientific researchers where figures are studied to form a decision.
After the collection of the data, results are presented in the research. Whatever a researcher observed through the study and facts, it is concluded. These results are then discussed and analyzed leading up to the final verdict.
One major condition to write a good body of your research paper is to write all the information in a logical flow using transition words and phrases. This helps to show that all paragraphs are interconnected, and they should gradually lead up to the conclusion.
The word choices you make to bring transition and connectivity to your paragraphs plays a great role in the clarity of the text and how well the readers will understand it.
Also, the body of the research paper should contain headings and subheadings for a better understanding of the readers.
In a nutshell, the body paragraphs contain the following elements:
Researched information and facts (including surveys, figures, etc.).
Real-world information with strong arguments and evidence.
Organized and structured points and arguments under headings and subheadings to maintain a logical flow in the paper
The central theme of the paper
The topic sentences that state what the paragraph is about.
Proper formatting and outlining of the paper.
8. Conclusion
The conclusion of a research paper is as important as its introduction and body. The conclusion of the paper contains the restated theme of the research paper and the personal stance of the writer on the topic.
Note, the conclusion should not restate the arguments already made. Don't introduce new arguments or points in the concluding paragraphs of a paper. It only states the rephrased thesis statement and whether the hypothesis made earlier is proved or not.
The conclusion also starts a CTA (call to action) and makes the audience think about the subject matter or topic. If you believe that further research should be taken, then state its reasons and how the solutions can be made to meet the research gaps.
The conclusion generally contains information in the structure like objectives of the research, the key features or ideas, and the results.
9. Bibliography
the bibliography or “work cited” page is the end page of the research paper that shows the references and sources from where the information is taken. Make sure to take information from credible sources for your research paper. This page plays a very important role.
Plagiarism is a crime that no writer wants to commit. By providing the source of your information and giving references with proper citation, plagiarism is avoided. Also, it increases the credibility and authenticity of the writer's work.
Keep in mind that the citation style and referencing differs for every format, like APA and MLA. Identify your paper format to draft a bibliography.
10. Proofreading and Editing
Once you have written and compiled all parts of the research paper, proofread it a couple of times to make sure it is flawless. Check every minor and significant element of the paper and make corrections before submitting it.
三、Research Paper Outline Example
The following outline shows a basic format for most academic papers. No matter what length the paper
needs to be, it should still follow the format of having an introduction, body, and conclusion. Read over
what typically goes in each section of the paper. Use the back of this handout to outline information for
your specific paper.
I. Introduction
The introduction should have some of the following elements, depending on the type of paper:
Start with an attention grabber: a short story, example, statistic, or historical
context that introduces the paper topic
Give an overview of any issues involved with the subject
Define of any key terminology need to understand the topic
Quote or paraphrase sources revealing the controversial nature of the subject
(argumentative papers only)
Highlight background information on the topic needed to understand the direction
of the paper
Write an antithesis paragraph, presenting the primary opposing views
(argumentative paper only)
The introduction must end with a THESIS statement (a 1 to 2 sentences in length):
Tell what the overall paper will focus on
Briefly outline the main points in the paper
II. Body
Clearly present the main points of the paper as listed in the thesis
Give strong examples, details, and explanations to support each main points
If an argumentative paper, address any counterarguments and refute those arguments
If a research paper, use strong evidence from sources—paraphrases, summaries, and
quotations that support the main points
III. Conclusion
Restate your thesis from the introduction in different words
Briefly summarize each main point found in the body of the paper (avoid going over 2
sentences for each point)
Give a statement of the consequences of not embracing the position (argumentative paper
End with a strong clincher statement: an appropriate, meaningful final sentence that ties the
whole point of the paper together (may refer back to the attention grabber)
Additional Tips
Decide on the thesis and main points first
You do not need to start writing your paper with the introduction
Try writing the thesis and body first; then go back and figure out how to best introduce the body
and conclude the paper
Use transitions between main points and between examples within the main points
Always keep your thesis in the forefront of your mind while writing; everything in your paper
must point back to the thesis
Use the back of this handout to make an outline of your paper
Paper Topic:_____________________________________Audience:__________
I. Introduction
Possible ideas for the introduction (see front side of handout for suggestions):
Thesis Statement (Usually the last sentence(s) in the introduction):
II. Body (A paper may have a few or many main points; decide how many your paper will need)
Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________
Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________
Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________
Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________
III. Conclusion
Reworded Thesis (Usually found near the beginning of the conclusion):
Other Ideas to Conclude:
Clincher Ideas: _____________________________________________________________________
A research paper contains strong evidence and material to support the writer's stance and thesis statement about the topic. Writing a paper on a researched-based topic requires effort and a complete investigation to prove the main argument.
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