How to write a Research Paper Outline?For our student’s better understanding, we have gathered some examples that will surely help them draft their research papers professionally.A research paper outline example is as follows.
A literary research paper is a compilation and interpretation of factual materials and
of critics’ opinions on a specific subject in a literary work. Since the selection of materials is
filtered and processed by the writer, the paper reflects the author’s views also; hence, it is both
objective and subjective in content. Because the paper expresses the writer’s opinions, s/he must
find a topic of interest from a work that s/he has read and examined.
Writing Process
1. Select a topic related to a poem, short story, play, or novel that you have read.
Note: The work which is under study is called the primary source; the critical and
historical references are called secondary sources.
2. Write a tentative thesis to establish your purpose for research. This is what you are
trying to support. After some reading, you may need to refine your thesis statement.
3. Prepare a working bibliography—a list of available sources.
• Consult books of literary criticism, the MLA International Bibliography, and other books
and periodicals related to your subject and author.
• If your topic is current, check the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. In addition,
remember that much information is available on computer. Microfiche catalogs have
replaced the card catalog in most libraries. Microforms contain information on a screen.
• Make copies of information that you think is pertinent.
4. Take notes. There are two methods of note-taking: index cards and highlighting your
copies. Select the one that works better for you unless instructed otherwise. If you select to
use highlighting, use a different color highlighter for each topic within your subject
(comparable to main points on the outline).
5. Make an outline using the information assembled from the notes.
6. Write a rough draft inserting parenthetical citations within the text unless instructed
otherwise. This method of acknowledging sources has replaced footnotes and end notes
because it is immediately accessible to the reader. Use guidelines from The Modern
Language Association Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (MLA), or some other
source as assigned, for citations and works cited.
7. Write a Works Cited (bibliography) following MLA guidelines or any other reference
8. Lay the paper aside; proofread later.
9. Write the final copy.
10. Proofread the final copy.
Research Paper Outline Sample
Notice that no correct number of letters or numbers exists; the only determining factor is the number of points you need to make for the required length of your paper.
I. Introduction
A. Background information connecting the reader to the subject
B. Thesis statement
II. First Main Point
A. First subpoint
1. Supporting example or detail—either your insight or a critic’s comment
paraphrased or directly quoted
Never start a sentence with a quote that you have not introduced.
a) First comment on support
b) Second comment on support
2. Supporting example or detail (your comment on supporting detail from a
a) First comment
b) Second comment
B. Second subpoint
1. Supporting example or detail
2. Supporting example or detail
C. Third subpoint (same as A, B above)
At this point continue with D, E... if needed
III. Second Main Point
A. First subpoint—Comment on subpoint (only one comment on this detail)
As in the above example, use a dash after a point if it is followed by only one detail or comment.
B. Second sub point
1. Supporting example—only one comment on this example: hence use the
dash, not an a by itself
2. Supporting example
a) Comment
b) Comment
Continue with the same sequence alternating numerals and letters until you have completed
outlining all of your material.
IV. Critical Thinking Section
A. Incorporate reactions to the source materials
B. Include insights about the research topic
C. Synthesize critical thinking threads
V. Conclusion
Affirm that the thesis has been proven
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