Project Proposal &
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Dissertation Sample |
2. Submit your Ethical Examination Questionnaire (EEQ) to the correct Victory drop box as soon as possible but no later than Friday 21st November 2008, 1500 hrs GMT. Dissertation is provide by Custom Thesis
3. WARNING If you exceed the fixed maximum word counts in any question your work will NOT be marked. Please keep your work as neat as possible and make sure that any single box do NOT spill over onto the next page
4. Proposal - answer questions 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a and 6a in the boxes marked “Student Answer”, when ready submit to the correct Victory drop box, noting the instructions there, no later than Friday 7th November 2008, 1500 hrs GMT naming the file “123456 Proposal” where 123456 represents your student number.
5. Assessment – use your proposal feedback to answer questions 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b and 7 to 10 in the boxes marked “Student Answer”, when ready submit to the correct Victory drop box, noting the instructions there, no later than Friday 19th December 2008, 1500 hrs GMT naming the file “123456 Assignment” where 123456 represents your student number.
6. Marking Breakdown – The EEQ and each template section will be marked out of a 100 but then weighted as follows.
EEQ weighted 0.05, Basic Planning Questions 4b and 10 weighted overall at 0.25, Research Preparation Questions 1b, 2b, 3b, 5b, 6b, 7 to 9 weighted overall at 0.70
Personal ProfileJob Title:
Company Name:
Company Profile:
Job Description:
Year of Professional IT Experience:
Areas of Expertise:
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SBIT Acceptance Basis:A sample profile can be found in the guidance pack
Provisional Project Title
Q1a - Give an outline of the setting, literature review area, presenting problem and target. (Max words 200)Workbook References Student AnswerMy word count isProblem Setting –
Literature Review Area - Dissertation is provide by Custom Thesis分页标题#e#
Presenting Problem -
Target -
Assessor Feedback and Assessment ()GoodFairPoor
b Student revised answer after careful consideration of the feedbackMy word count isProblem Setting –
Literature Review Area -
Presenting Problem -
Target -
Assessor Feedback
Q2a – Discuss the most probable cause of the problem and hence name a project outcome that, when used by appropriate situation actors, may bring about change and resolve the problem situation by showing that it use leads to the Strategic deployment of Business IT assets (Max 200 words)Workbook References Student AnswerMy word count isProbable Problem Causes -
Proposed Outcome -
Actors and Use Description –
Change and Strategic Business IT Deployment implications -
Assessor Feedback and Assessment ()GoodFairPoor
Q2b Student revised answer after careful consideration of the feedbackMy word count isProbable Problem Causes -
Proposed Outcome -
Actors and Use Description –
Change and Strategic Business IT Deployment implications -
r FeedbackDissertation is provide by Custom Thesis
Q3a - Describe your primary data spotlight and activity based on the need to generate your proposed outcome and hence explain your intended research approach, style and method and finally suggested a data collection strategy and protocol. (Max 200 words) Workbook ReferencesStudent AnswerMy word count isData Spotlight –
Data Extraction Activity –
Research Approach –
Research Style, Method and Data Collection Protocol -
Assessor Feedback and Assessment ()GoodFairPoor
Q3b Students revised answer after careful consideration of the feedbackMy word count isData Spotlight –
Data Extraction Activity –
Research Approach –
Research Style, Method and Data Collection Protocol -
Assessor Feedback
Q4a – What is your single project aim and its associated project objectives (Max 200 words) Workbook ReferencesStudent AnswerMy word count isAim -
Objectives - Dissertation is provide by Custom Thesis
Assessor Feedback and Assessment ()GoodFairPoor
Q4b Student revised answer after careful consideration of the feedbackMy word count isAim -
Objectives -
essor Feedback
Q5a – What resources (other than trivial ones) will you need to complete this project idea (Max 200 words) Workbook References Student AnswerMy word count isNote – this answer must be considered with care as we will assess whether what you have asked for is sufficient. Do not just write down everything you can think of mindlessly, but carefully think through you aim and objectives and what is needed to support them and this might cover: documentary needs, tools, time, facilities, training, access permissions, security and so on. We will consider each item in relation to what you have said will be done and so the list must be fully contextualised to your research and if we feel it has been constructed with little or no though to what you have planned you will lose marks. (Delete this note before submission)#p#分页标题#e#
Assessor Feedback and Assessment ()GoodFairPoor
Q5b Student revised answer after careful consideration of the feedbackMy word count is
Assessor Feedback
Q6a – How will you evaluate your project outcome (before it is used) and research practice (Max 200 words) Workbook References Student AnswerMy word count isEvaluation Plan for testing my Outcome -
Evaluation Plan for reflecting on Project Practice -
Assessor Feedback and Assessment ()GoodFairpoor
Q6b Student revised answer after careful consideration of the feedbackMy word count isEvaluation Plan for testing my Outcome -
Evaluation Plan for reflecting on Project Practice -
Assessor Feedback
Optional Student Additional Comments on the proposal (Q1a to Q6a) (Max words)
Optional Additional Comments from Assessor
Assessors comment on this student’s ability to communicate in written English
Assessor nameDate Provisional Supervisor
Q7: Write a concise and lucid Research Question statement that includes all 7 required features. (Max 100 words)Workbook References Student AnswerMy word count is
Note – If any features are missing or the sentences does not make sense you will lose marks (delete this when you add in your question)
Assessor FeedbackDissertation is provide by Custom Thesis
Q8: Briefly describe how the raw primary data will be pre-processed into a structured entity and then show how that entity will be used to generate the outcome. (maximum 200 words)Workbook References Student AnswerMy word count isPre-Processing -
Post or Outcome Processing -
Assessor Feedback
Q9: Develop a plan for your Literature Review, the plan will normally make clear: the literature review area, an originality theme, a content map of about 6-10 headings, a suggested review conclusion and finally an indicative list of 5-10 primary sources. (Max 300 words)Workbook References Student AnswerMy word count isLiterature Review Library Search Areas –
Review Theme –
Content Map –
Possible Review Conclusion -
Indicative Reading List #p#分页标题#e#Dissertation is provide by Custom Thesis
Note – this section is all about preparation from the available literature, therefore there should be nothing here that refers to your problem setting or what you will do. If what we read ignores this note then it is likely that a fail will be recorded (delete the note before submission
Assessor Feedback
Q10: Write a simple contextualised project plan. It will be sufficient to develop a plain list of no more than 20 clearly staged activities and approximate activity timings in weeks. The plan must be at least 18 weeks but no longer than 52 weeks in duration. (max 200 words)Workbook References Student AnswerMy word count is
Note – the plan must be contextualised. That is it should be constructed so that it is obvious you have considered your aim and objectives and worked out a plan that reflects those although there will normally be many more tasks than might be written in your objectives. In simple terms if we read this plan and it gives us no hints at all as to what it refers to you will lose a lot of marks (delete this note before submissio
Assessor Feedbac
Assessor Name Final Mark (%)Assessor Overall Comment
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