Romeo and JulietCoursework
Romeo and Juliet is a play. Therefore, unlike a novel in which all of the action is described, readers of Romeo and Juliet have to imagine what the play is like on the stage to get a full idea of what the play means. To do this effectively requires the reader to read not only the characters' lines, but also the stage directions, as they give hints on how to interpret the tone of the characters' dialogue.
When doing any type of Romeo and Juliet coursework, a student must remember that the play is not a contemporary work of artwork, but one from centuries ago. Therefore, it cannot be read and interpreted in the same way as a 21st century novel. Any complete understanding of Romeo and Juliet will require the reader to learn at least a few facts about Elizabethan culture. Therefore, any complete execution of Romeo and Juliet coursework of any kind will require the student to incorporate some of that knowledge into his or her assignments. Students should learn about and consider the slang of the time and any other words that may be unfamiliar to them but would have been familiar to an Elizabethan audience. They may also benefit from learning a basic historical record of the role of theatre in Elizabethan society, the important political events happening in England around the time of the play's composition, and the Elizabethan attitude towards love, which is the primary topic of the play. They should also learn about the time of Shakespeare's life in which he was writing the play to determine if there were any particular influences on him that emerged in the drama itself.
Finally, all Romeo and Juliet courseworks will benefit from a variety of quotations from the play. Shakespeare was a master wordsmith, and he chose his words carefully. Any coursework on Romeo and Juliet should therefore be centered in textual analysis. All quotations should be cited by act, scene, and line number.
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