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In response to the need to re-direct the nature and format of the final year research project in the near future, the purpose of this proposal is to suggest an amended model of the current thesis format as an interim strategy. Further, it is anticipated that a re-design of the fourth year research process will occur (to be discussed at a later date) and re-focus the efforts of students to more applied research scenarios. The central tenets and aspirations of the proposed change include:
i. Maintain certain elements of the current thesis format that are familiar to both students and staff;
ii. Ensure a level of continuity in the process of conducting and supervising undergraduate research;
iii. Avoid the issue of staff supervising (and over-supervising) a cohort of students with diverse research topics;
iv. Allowing control over the range of topics to be researched;
v. Introduce, albeit in a minor fashion initially, the use of co-ordinated group work which, it is anticipated will be a design characteristic of the ‘New Model’ in the future;
vi. Allow the option for staff to suggest topics of interest that would serve as a basis for students to research and generate a knowledge base and research profile;
vii. To highlight to students the need to take ownership and responsibility for the work they undertake;
viii. Offer the possibility to co-author or even present material at conferences if circumstances allowed (e.g. time, resources, opportunities to do so etc..)
Proposed New Structure – Year 4 Research Project (10 ECTS)
Keeping in mind the essence of the undergraduate research programme at the College, and without diluting the integrity of the process, the following model is conjectured as an alternative interim approach to managing the thesis process for this academic year:
Marks Breakdown out of 100%:
- Research Project Proposal: 10%
- Literature Review: 15%
- Research Methodology: 10%
- Soft-bound Copy of Research Project (x 3): 15%
- Group Presentation: 50% of which: Poster Element = 25% & Oral Presentation = 25%
[Overall project wordage approximately 6,500 words]
Finer Details of Amended ModelThesis is provided by UK thesis base http://www.ukthesis.org/
a) A Range of possible topics voluntarily offered to students that could reflect the interests of staff or areas of expertise. #p#分页标题#e#
Staff have the option of suggesting a total of Two topics/areas each that would be worthwhile researching. This would generate a pool of around thirty topics (based on fifteen supervisors) from which each group selects one topic for research. It is hoped that this approach would minimise or avoid topic repetition. Furthermore, this may mitigate the issue of students trying to think up a topic from scratch.
As stated, suggesting research topics is optional and voluntary and it is anticipated that at least one and no more than two groups/topics will be supervised by a staff member under this approach. This should go some way to alleviating the various issues regarding multiple supervisions by staff, thus supervising only two projects.
If some students genuinely do not wish to select a topic from the list given or that there are not enough topics put forward by staff, then they must generate their own topic.
b) Groups of two (self-selected) to take ownership of a topic and conduct the necessary research to completion with guidance from a supervisor. The same process of research continues as before. All relevant information, guidelines and support will be offered as per normal. In the chance that a student who genuinely and justifiably wants to pursue his/her topic on their own and not in a group will be given the option to do so. However, this would be the least preferred approach.
c) A Research Proposal (700 words) weighted at 10% (submitted early during semester 5)
d) A Literature Review (2,500 words) weighted at 15% (submitted at the end of semester 5 prior to Christmas break);
e) The group to describe, explain and justify the methodology for collecting the required data to the supervisor weighted at 10%. An upper limit of 1,000 words required;
f) A softbound copy of the final research document weighted at 15% to submit to the supervisor;
g) A Group Presentation weighted at 50% (occurring on the week of 17th May 2010). This percentage is comprised of two parts: A Poster Presentation of the research conducted worth 25% (template to be finalised) and an Oral discussion of the research worth 25%.
Each group/student on a case by case basis is interviewed about their research by a panel of staff other than the group’s supervisor. This allows for ‘cross-validation’ of group performance and ensures an objective appraisal of standards.
h) All information pertaining to the thesis process are contained and monitored within a database/spreadsheet. Other support literature is available to the relevant stakeholders as before.
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Amended Research Project Model
Preliminary Phase: Early September
- Students to ‘Self-select’ in groups of two#p#分页标题#e#
- List of worthwhile topics made available to students.
- A group selects one topic from the list and e-mails the prospective supervisor on a ‘first come, first served’ basis with name of students and topic title.
- E-mail Mr. O’Driscoll the Group(s) and chosen topic(s)
Softbound copy of Research Project x3 = 15%:
Poster Presentation = 25%: Students create a Professional Poster displaying an overview of the research topic, main findings and conclusions. Template will be discussed with groups.
Oral Discussion = 25%: Groups to give an oral presentation of Poster/Overall research to a panel of three examiners.
Project Research Proposal (10%)
* Title – Usually a working title is sufficient as a starting point to the work. It should reflect the theme and or aim(s) of the dissertation. This may change as one delves deeper into the material that will aid in the investigative process.
* Research questions and objectives – Possible research questions and research objectives. It should clarify what exactly what it is one is hoping to achieve from your research. There should be approximately 2 or 3 primary objectives that are the focus of the research.
* Background(similar to literature review) – This is very important as it informs the reader/supervisor why the topic being researched is important to the particular field of study.
It should:
▪ Express your theme in the form of a problem/hypothesis
▪ Reflect your interest and curiosity in the particular subject area/matter and how it applies to you.
▪ Demonstrate your awareness and knowledge of the relevant literature by examining and referencing available literature by other authors.
▪ Allow you to show where your proposal/dissertation fits into the subject area and the bigger picture.
▪ Link previous work/literature that has been done in your field of study with the content of your proposal.
This is not a detailed literature review, but indicates the key literature sources from which you intend to draw upon.
* Proposed Methodology – This should be divided into Two sections: This section gives an overall view of the method chosen and the reason for that choice. It also specifies how you intend to gather the information. A good way to approach this section is to divide it up into two parts as follows:
1. Research Design 2. Data Collection
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* Timescale - Include a rough calendar for the research. Set out ‘achievable’ objectives indicating what to have done within a certain time frame. Remember, one may have the best intentions for adhering to the timescale, but do not worry if it doesn’t match up.#p#分页标题#e#
* Resources – One needs to include proof of the necessary resources available to conduct the research. This can be a rough cost incurred (not necessary), accessibility to literature sources, agreements with a supervisor, computers, software applications etc..
* References – Relate these to the background content. They should be in alphabetical order and of a uniform referencing format.
A good proposal should reflect the first three chapters of the research project. It should begin with a statement of the problem/background information (typically Chapter I of the dissertation), then move on to a review of the literature (Chapter 2), and conclude with a defining of the research methodology (Chapter 3).
It should be written in a future tense since it is a proposal and in the First or Third Person, that is, ‘We intend to research the following…’ or The authors intend to research the following.’
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Proposal Guidelines
The thesis proposal section should be marked out of 100 according to the following breakdown:
1. General Presentation of Document: 10 marks
- Organisation of relevant sections (do they flow into each other, are they relevant to the theme of the review).
- Justified text, size 12 Font, Times New Roman, 1.5cm line spacing
- Grammar, spelling, no big gaps in the page.
- Proper in-text reference style,
- Proper Harvard Style Reference Method for ‘Reference Section’ attached to review.
2. Objectives, Questions & Evidence of Reading: 50 marks
- Express theme in the form of a question/problem/hypothesis
- Reflect interest and curiosity in the particular subject area/matter and
how it applies to the student.
- Demonstrate awareness and knowledge of the relevant literature by
examining and referencing available literature by other authors.
- Allow to show where your proposal/dissertation fits into the subject
are and the bigger picture.
- Link previous work/literature that has been done in your field of study
with the content of your proposal. This is not a detailed literature review, but indicates the key literature sources from which you intend to draw upon.
- Logical connection between objectives and literature cited
- Objectives relevant to literature and vice versa.
3. Methodology & Research Design: 30marks
- Is there a clear structured approach to finding, collecting and analysing necessary data and information?
- Does the method fit the area of study?#p#分页标题#e#
- Are statistical terms defined? (if necessary)
4. Time scale, Resources, General Referencing: 10 marks
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Research Project Proposal Marks Sheet (10%)
Group Members:
Project Title:
Proposal Element
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Presentation (10 marks)
Objective, Evidence of Reading (50 marks)
Proposed Methodology (30 marks)
T, R & R (10 marks)
100 Thesis is provided by UK thesis base http://www.ukthesis.org/
Literature Review Marking Scheme (15%)
The literature review section of the thesis should be marked out of 100 according to the following break-down.
2. General Presentation of Document: 20 marks
- The review forms section 2 of overall thesis – each part should be properly identified. 2.1, 2.2.3 etc.., page numbers included.
- Organisation of sections(do they flow into each other, are they relevant to the theme of the review)
- Justified text, size 12 Font, Times New Roman, 1.5cm line spacing
- Grammar, spelling, no big gaps in the page.
- Proper in-text reference style,
- Proper Harvard Style Reference Method for ‘Reference Section’ attached to review
3. Literature Review Content and Argument Structure. 60 marks
- Is the topic introduced and explained as to its purpose and importance?
- Has the student shown evidence of reading about the topic?
- Does the student have a grasp/understanding of the topic?
- Are points/observations clear to the reader?
- Does the student synthesise and explain the key aspects of the research area.
- Is the information focused and relevant to the review?
- Are points supported with proper/relevant references ( books, journals, reports etc)
- Is there a clear direction of areas and do they link with each other thematically
4. Literature Review Conclusions. 20 marks
- Are conclusions a reflection of the main content of the review?
- Do the conclusions tie-up the observations/point/ideas of the student?
- Are the conclusions clear and understandable to the reader?
- Is it a good summary of the content section?
Literature Review Marks Sheet (15%)
Group Members:
Project Title:
Literature Review Element#p#分页标题#e#
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3Thesis is provided by UK thesis base http://www.ukthesis.org/
Presentation (20 marks)
Content (60 marks)
Conclusion (20 marks)
Research Project Methodology/Data Collection Method(s) (10%)
A disciplined, well-planned programme of study and investigation must be followed showing an awareness and understanding of the appropriate research approaches, research design, justification for chosen method or methods and application of it in the data collection. Note that methodologies by their very nature can vary from topic to topic and some parts can only be written-up after the fact. The details below will help in allocating an appropriate percentage.
Use the following general description to aid you in marking the methodology section out of the 10%.
Main Issues to be accounted for in the methodology
▪ A re-statement/short discussion of the overall research objective(s) and research question(s)
▪ An overview of the context of the research focus. That is, a snap shot of who or what the target group is. A profile of the sector, organisation, sample of individuals etc.. as required.
▪ The methods used to collect the data must be validated from evidence of authors in the literature review that followed a similar method. The Sampling techniques (if used) must be explained and justified as to why and how you used them. Try and avoid too much theory about the methods (for example, no need to have a big list of advantages/disadvantages of questionnaires..). Keep it grounded to suit the particular topic.
▪ The research design and methods are carefully set out, explained and justified; clear identification and use of data collection methods (survey questionnaire, case study, personal interview etc…) reference to previous research that followed a similar approach to be cited.
▪ All the main tasks, problems and difficulties must be explained. Identify any limitations to the method. Did you have any problems in applying the method to data collection? If you did, what were they? How did you deal with them? Etc…
Research Project Assessment Criteria (15%)
Group Members:
Project Title:
Assessed Area
Comments Max Marks Actual Marks
General Presentation: Sections & Structure, Spelling, Grammar, Clarity of expression, General layout, Page numbering etc..
Introduction: Research objectives defined & explained, purpose of research, description of project sections
Thesis is provided by UK thesis base#p#分页标题#e# http://www.ukthesis.org/
Literature Review: Relevant, detailed, clear, supported by references, logical approach
Methodology: Specified, Defined and reasons for use, describe procedure, limitations
Data Analysis: Detailed, Complete, Observations made, discussion, relevant techniques, understanding
Conclusions & Recommendations
Key findings, conclusions to objectives be realised
Appendices, Referencing & References
Application to Industry
Total Mark
Supervisor: ______________________ Date: _________________
Research Project Layout:
• Title Page
• Declaration Page
• Abstract (100-150 words)
• Acknowledgements (optional)
• Table of contents
• List of Tables and Exhibits (if necessary)
• 1.0 Introduction (600 words)
• 2.0 Literature Review (2,500 words)
• 3.0 Research Methodology (1,000 words)
• 4.0 Results and Discussion (1,200 words)
• 5.0 Conclusions & Recommendations (1,200 words)
• List of References – Alphabetical using the Harvard Method of referencing
• Appendices. Tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, copy of questionnaire, transcript of personal interview, etc..
Text Style is Times New Roman, Size 12 Font, 1.5cm Line Spacing, Justified Text, Pagination is Centred
Project Binder
Students can use the following company to have their projects soft bound:
Company Name: Web7 –web and graphic design
Address: No.2 The Crescent, Limerick
Telephone: 061-314014
Mobile: 087-7594936
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: www.web7.ie
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