essay 格式-Essay Format是怎样的?
导读:essay格式可以有不同的主题和目标,但是标准essay格式包括介绍、主体和结论,然而这些部分也可以采取不同的形式。介绍段落可以变化、结论长度可以不同等,下面我们英国dissertation网\essay 格式中心代写essay频道将为您作具体讲解。
The format of a report is the structure an essay takes. Article formats vary depending on the topic and objective, but it is standard for essay format to include an introduction with an argument, a body defending the thesis, and a conclusion that suggests the implications of what has been discovered through the course. Article formats are not fixed or prescriptive; they should be thought of as flexible models that can be changed according to the needs of the report writer.
An essay format will always consist of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. However, each of those sections can take many different forms. For instance, in short essays, it is common for the introduction to be only one paragraph. In articles that are five or more pages, it is common for the introduction to be several paragraphs. In these types of report formats, it is common for the first few paragraphs to contextualize the topic by presenting a true or hypothetical situation that personalizes the topic or by providing other means of background information.
The body of a report is the main section of an academic article, and the most variable aspect of essay format. The body will defend the thesis presented in the introduction in various ways. For instance, it is common in shorter essays for each point that defends the thesis to be presented in one single paragraph. In longer essays, these points will sometimes take multiple paragraphs or even pages to develop. Sometimes, the body of the document will be organized by fully discussing one topic before moving on to another topic, and sometimes topics will be discussed alongside each other in the same paragraphs. Either way, it is common for all report formats to have the main body progress in an order that places the best or most convincing points last in the body of the document in order to build the argument in a climactic way.(英国dissertation网
The conclusion of a report can be of varying lengths, but in all report formats, the conclusion will be significantly shorter than both the introduction and the main body sections. The conclusion should point to ways in which the main body of the document elucidates the topic. Similar to the main body of the document, the conclusion should build in significance so that the best or most convincing points are made at the end of the conclusion.
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