Assessment: Individual assignment of 2,500 to 2,800 words写作要求字数:2500到2800
Submission Date: Until 3 p.m. Wednesday 5 May 2010
Undergraduate office, Pemberton Building
Failure to submit TWO copies of your work by this deadline will result in a mark of 0%
The assignment must also be submitted in electronic format to the ‘Turnitin’ drop-box in the Blackboard site for this module and the Turnitin reference code added to the hand-in sheetessay必须以电子格式提交“Turnitin的下拉框,这个板块,并且在黑板上的网站Turnitin的参考代码添加到手的片材
You are advised to plan your work carefully and back-up your work. Computing and printing problems will NOT be accepted as reasons for non-submission建议您仔细计划你的工作和备份你的工作。计算和打印问题将不被接受的原因不提交
For your information when preparing your coursework essay, refer to the following:为了您的信息,当您准备的课程文章,请参阅以下内容:
o University Regulation on the Presentation of Work for Formal Assessment 大学条例“正式评估工作的介绍
o University Statement on Academic Integrity 大学学术诚信表上
o Student Handbook on Plagiarism - remember to fully reference your work in the Harvard format.学生手册“抄袭 - 还记得在哈佛格式完全引用你的工作。
Write the exact title of the essay question at the top of your answer
Choose one essay from the following:在上面写的确切标题的作文题你的答案
1. To what extent do prices in financial markets reflect the underlying economic position of assets and the information available about them? How might this affect decisions on the source of finance for firms’ investment projects?#p#分页标题#e#1。在金融市场的价格在何种程度上反映相关资产的经济地位和对他们提供的信息吗?这怎么可能影响决定公司的投资项目的资金来源?
2. Examine the factors that affect a firm’s dividend policy. Can it be said that there is a ‘best’ approach when setting dividends?Assessmentessay要求2。检查的因素影响公司的股息政策。可以说设置股利时,有一个“最好”的方法呢?
3. Examine the relative merits of techniques of equity finance. What implications might financial market turbulence have for the ability of firms to raise finance through these means?3。检查技术的相对优点的股权融资。金融市场的动荡可能为企业筹集资金的能力,通过这些手段有什么样的影响?
Assessment: Group Report & Presentation (Groups of 4)
Including one report of 1,500 to 2,000 words
Submission Date: Until 3 p.m. Thursday, 4th February 2010#p#分页标题#e#
Undergraduate office, Pemberton Building
Failure to submit TWO copies of your work by this deadline will result in a mark of 0%
The assignment must also be submitted in electronic format to the ‘Turnitin’ drop-box in the Blackboard site for this module and the Turnitin reference code added to the hand-in sheet
You are advised to plan your work carefully and back-up your work. Computing and printing problems will NOT be accepted as reasons for non-submission
For your information when preparing your coursework essay, refer to the following:
o University Regulation on the Presentation of Work for Formal Assessment o University Statement on Academic Integrity o Student Handbook on Plagiarism - remember to fully reference your work in the Harvard format.
Write the exact title of the essay question at the top of your answer
“Select a company from the FTSE 100 in one of the sectors listed below:
(1) Insurance
(2) Leisure and hospitality
(3) Retailing
For that company:
(a) Analyse its share price, p/e ratio, and Return on Investment in relation to other firms in the same sector;
(b) Provide an analysis of share price based on ‘fundamentals analysis’;
(c) Provide a further ‘technical chart’ based analysis demonstrating over the past year whether the share would have been recommended to ‘sell’ or ‘buy’;
(d) Discuss the importance to the firm of share price and share price changes in determining its financing, performance and survival.”
From University of Bradford Ordinances and Regulations for Taught Courses 2.1 A dissertation, thesis, essay, project or any other work which is not undertaken in an examination room under supervision but which is submitted by a student for formal assessment must be written by the student and in the student’s own words, except for quotations from published and unpublished sources which shall be clearly indicated and acknowledged as such.
2.2 The source, published or unpublished, of any photograph, map or other illustration or any material not resulting from the student’s own experimentation, observation or specimen collecting shall also be so indicated and acknowledged.#p#分页标题#e#
2.3 Except as set out in 2.6 and 2.7 below, any results quoted in the work as arising from the student’s own experimentation, observation or specimen collecting shall be the outcome of the student’s own work.
2.4 Except in those circumstances set out in 2.6 and 2.7 below, students must not use any means whatever to obtain, directly or indirectly, assistance in their work or give or attempt to give, directly or indirectly, such assistance to any other students in their work.
2.5 Students may not submit the same piece of work for formal assessment for more than one unit of assessment in the programme of study or research.
2.6 When work is submitted which has been undertaken in co-operation with others, each student’s personal contribution shall be certified by a joint statement as to the share which each student has personally taken in the work.
2.7 Where the work has been undertaken in conjunction with a supervisor, the extent of the student’s personal contribution to the work must be certified by the supervisor and the student.
2.8 Where a student has undertaken part or all of the programme of study or research away from the University, the student’s additional supervisor or a responsible person within the establishment concerned must certify that the work presented is the student’s own account of his/her performance or research at that establishment.
2.9 Except as set out in 2.10 below, students may be permitted to incorporate their own published work in work submitted for assessment, under the Ordinances and Regulations for the award concerned, on condition that the fact is recorded in the piece of work, together with the title, place and date of publication.
2.10 A student shall not be permitted to incorporate material which has been submitted in support of a successful application for an award of the University, any other university or any other approved degree-awarding body, except for the purpose of drawing attention, for reference purposes only, to such material, including calculations or the results of experimental work. Where such material is incorporated, the fact shall be recorded, together with the title of the work, the date and title of the award and the name of the university or other degree-awarding body.
2.11 Students must submit work for formal assessment by the due date laid down by the School responsible for the assessment concerned or as laid down in Ordinances and Regulations.
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