代写assignment 附加里的资料介绍:
1. brigid_Maher,_comic_voice:这是一篇现成的commentary,是老师理想中commentary的样本。
2. preparing for ETP commentary mini practice: 这个是老师用‘追风筝的人’作为例子的课堂练习,里面列出了当我们写commentary时需要考虑的问题。
3. ETP guidelines july 16 2010: 里面有commentary要求的介绍
4. 还有就是那些已经翻译好的章节
5. Research methods presentation: 是一份我自己写的初步的commentary outline 因为我们research method这门课 需要我们present 我们的commentary计划 所以我就大概写了一下
6. Hi Fu Yin Qiu,
Thanks for the commentary outline. Here are my comments:
- The commentary needs to have a theme eg. Handling the author’s political views in your translation. You are not required to cover too many issues in the commentary. If you wish to talk about "three issues," then perhaps you should tell your readers why you think these issues are relevant to the theme.
- You description of the ST is interesting but needs to be concise. Focus on features that relate the theme of your commentary.
- You mentioned that "the TT will be sensitive. When I translate the ST I must make good choice that what is necessary. Totally follow the original words will cause misunderstanding." You need to make it clear in your commentary and support this statement with examples and see which scholar supports you in this view. 这个是我把outline发给老师之后她给我的建议。
7. 然后那天课上分析追风筝的人的时候老师是用到了foreignization和domestication的strategy。到目前为止我们学过的理论是nida,newmark,skopos,hatim&mason,gentzler如果你需要我可以把相关资料发给你。
8. ETP week2 commentary intro:也是写commentary的要求。但是我没怎么看懂。这个老师说东西思路很不清楚,常常是前言不搭后语,她的要求只是个guide不用特别按照她的要求,你觉得怎么写舒服就可以怎么写。
PS: Weeks 11 and 12
Students are required to present in class a two-page outline of their incomplete minor thesis or extended translation project (presentation time: 5 minutes). The outline should include, where relevant, http://www.ukthesis.org/Assignment_Writing/2012/0411/1224.html reference to method, methodology, theoretical perspective, and other topics covered in class. The outline should be given to their lecturer after the presentation is made.
因为method这门课11周有另外一份project的outline presentation,所以你想好怎么写commentary之后能不能先把你的outline发我,我就可以自己随便加点东西来准备第二个presentation了。谢谢阿!
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