1 Introduction引言
英语和当地的文化,政治,经济和种族特征已普遍全球化。在中国,一个新的概念“中国英语”和英语的出现被广泛的定位。然而,不同于其他的英国品种,可以获得国家鉴定,中国英语的使用被认为是对标准英语的侵犯。The globalization of the English catalyzes many varieties ofEnglish with local cultural, geopolitical, economic and racial char acteristics. In China, a new concept“China English”arises aswell with the extensive localization of English. However, unlikethe other English varieties which can gain national identification,China English used to be considered a brutal violation of the Stan dard English. The dispute about China English has lasted for adecade, and most literature on China English seems to focus onthe definition, status and attitudes of it (e.g. Hu, 2004; Jiang,1995).In recent years, lexical borrowing has attracted may schol ars’eys (e.g. Jian, 2005, 2009; Li, 2006; Xu, 2007). Jian Yangmade a study on lexical innovation in China English and also con ducted a corpos-based study which showed that the newly addedwords are also mostly Pinyin-based.With the application of the Internet, China English is alsowidely spreading through this platform. Many new and interestingexpressions of China English are frequently used on the Internet.This article is undertaken to describe and analyze them. By doingso, it was hoped, a better understanding of lexical localization ofEnglish could be obtained.http://ukthesis.org/yyxzy/
3 Analysis of Chinese Bowrrowings中国式英语分析
These newly invented lexical borrowings in China Englishare novel as well as meaningful. The characteristics are analyzedas followed:Containing social and cultural informationMost of the popular words on the Internet are abstract wordsand are closely related to our daily life, current affairs and Chi nese culture. For example, group buying(团购), Seckilling (秒杀)and vegeteal (偷菜) can be easily understood if one has the expe rience in daily life. Besides, people who don’t know the relatedcurrent affairs would fail to grasp the underlying meaning of thosewords like Together(终成眷属), suihide(躲猫猫), and Naked offi cial (裸官). In addition, the word stupig can be easily understoodas 笨 猪 by Chinese. However, Americans may be confused atthis word because there is no direct connection between being stu pid and pig in their culture.According to Li (2006), the process of English localization isvirtually a process of rebirth, the result of which is a combinationof English and local culture. When used in a different culture,English language has to make some changes to adapt to that cul ture by introducing some elements from it. Thus English varietiescome into being. With the widespread use of English in Chinaand the differences between Chinese and English culture, Englishis gradually influenced by Chinese culture and forms its own char acteristics in this context. Looking like Standard EnglishDifferent from loanwords, which refer to the introduction ofthe spelling of a Chinese term in Pinyin, many popular wordslook like Standard English on the form and the pronunciation alsoconforms to the regular patterns of English words. For example,devoice( 离婚宣言), stupig(笨猪) and netizen( 网民), etc. Theword ungeliable(不给力), based on pinyin, also takes the featuresof Standard English on the form. Some loan translations are self-explanatory to a certain extent, such as group buying. Some otherwords needing further explanation can also be understood andthey will enrich English vocabulary greatly.To some extent, this characteristic shows the ability of Chi nese people to create our own language and be the master of ourown English language. In addition of learning it, Chinese Englishusers actively create new English words and expressions in orderto fill the gap between English and Chinese culture. Moreover,this activity is full of wisdom and innovation, which not only addsin the cultural elements, but also maintains the regular patternsof form and rhythm of English. Representing the principle of economyThe third type of word-formation is mostly widely used tocreate new words over the Internet. Take Smilence (笑而不语) asan example, this Chinese phrase is normally translated as smilewithout making any comment. According to the research findingsof Jian (2005), when a monosyllabic or disyllabic Chinese word isborrowed into English, it is likely to be a loanword through trans literation, and a Chinese compound to lexical phrase, both polysyl labic, is likely to be borrowed as a loan translation through literaltranslation. Based on word-to-word translation, Chinese netizeneven make some progress by applying blending, which makes theexpression much simpler and more interesting.Being understood and used by ChineseAlthough all these popular lexical borrowings in China Eng lish has not been introduced in dictionaries and cannot be under stood by native English speakers, they are instantly understoodby Chinese netizen who know some English. These words are alsofrequently used over the Internet, as shown in the posts on vari ous forums. Many articles are published on newspapers reportingthis lexical innovation, such as“不给力有了英文版”on Kun ming Evening News,“热词蛮给力相信你懂的”on Chutian Met ro Daily, etc.When it comes to question whether China English is a consti tutional variety, the key point is whether English is used intrana tionally. It is claimed that whether China English should be ac cepted or not depends, not on the language form and authoritativeviews, but on the users of the language and the communicationaleffect (Li, 2006). Through the analysis of all those lexical borrow ings in China English on the Internet, it is not hard to concludethat English has already been widely and successfully used in in terpersonal communication in people’s daily life.#p#分页标题#e#
4 Conclusion结论
在学习英语词汇借用时,他是在语言的词汇的重要组成部分,词汇借用值得认真关注(剑,2005)。从构词的角度来看,可以发现,由于目前在中国普遍使用,许多新词汇借词对互联网在中国英语是拼音的基础。When studying the nativization of English, lexical borrowingdeserves serious professional attention in that borrowed words canbe a major part of the lexicon in a language (Jian, 2005). Fromthe perspective of word-formation, it is found that because of thepopular use of Pingyin in and out China, many new lexical bor rowings on the Internet in China English are Pinyin-based. Be sides, the ways of lexical innovation are very flexible, includingloan translation, loanblending, loan translation+bleing, and innova tive translation. From the perspective of meaning origin, thesenewest China English lexical words have close relation to our soci ety and culture. Without knowing the background information,one can never fully understand those words.As for these popular words of China English on the Internet,their continuation is doubted because of the close relation to thecurrent hot events. It is estimated that when those events are grad ually forgotten, these new words and expressions will fade frompeople’s memory.http://www.51lunwen.org/ From the writer’s perspective, language defi nitely changes with the society and culture. Any language, funda mentally speaking, is a communicational instrument. The most im portant reason for its existence is its practical value (Li & Yang,2001). Those popular words of China English play an importantrole in interpersonal communication in people’s daily life. Thusthey have practical value and worth our attention and study.
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