A similar idea is expressed by Charmaz (1983). For Charmaz, who works in the “grounded theory” tradition, the disassembling and reassembling occurs through the “coding” process.
Codes serve to summarize, synthesize, and sort many observations made of the data....coding becomes the fundamental means of developing the analysis....Researchers use codes to pull together and categorize a series of otherwise discrete events, statements, and observations which they identify in the data (Charmaz, 1983: 112).
At first the data may appear to be a mass of confusing, unrelated, accounts. 起初,数据可能会出现混乱,无关,占地方。But by studying and coding (often I code the same materials several times just after collecting them), the researcher begins to create order (Charmaz, 1983: 114).A concrete example of this processes occurs in Freidson’s (1975) Doctoring Together. This passage shows how the process moves back and forth between the noticing and collecting parts of the process. I have “coded” this example to highlight this movement. 这段显示了进程前后移动之间的注意和收集部分的过程。我已经“编码”这个例子来强调这个做法。
Noticing: ...we had carried out some 200 separate interviews...and had them transcribed....Each interview was read, and sections of them which seemed to be distinct incidents, anecdotes, or stated opinions about discrete topics....were then typed on 5 x 7 McBee-Keysort cards on which were printed general topical categories to guide coding.
Collecting: Buford Rhea then read all the cards and tentatively classified them into the simple content categories we had decided upon in advance.
Noticing: He then read them again so as to test, revise, and refine the initial gross classification....
Collecting: . .all cards bearing on some general substantive topic such as “patient relations” were removed from the total set of cards and put together in a pack.
Noticing: All the cards in that large pack of between 800 and 1,200 were then read one by one....
Collecting: ...as they were read, the cards were sorted into preliminary topical piles. (Freidson,
Analysis is More than Coding, Sorting and Sifting
The previous section suggests that disassembling, coding, and then sorting and sifting through your data, is the primary path to analysis. But as Michael Agar (1991) rightly cautions, intensive data coding, disassembly, sorting, and sifting, is neither the only way to analyze your data, nor is it necessarily the most appropriate strategy. I agree with this point. Later I will discuss Agar’s alternatives and suggest that they also fit the notice, collect, and think process.
3. Thinking about Things
In the thinking process you examine the things that you have collected. Your goals are: 1) to make some type of sense out of each collection, 2) look for patterns and relationships both within a collection, and also across collections, and 3) to make general discoveries about the phenomena you are researching.
Examining the Pieces of a Puzzle
Returning to the jigsaw puzzle analogy, after you sort the puzzle pieces into groups you inspect individual pieces to determine how they fit together and form smaller parts of the picture (e.g., the tree part or the house part). This is a labor intensive process that usually involves a lot of trial and error and frustration.
A similar process takes place in the analysis of qualitative data. You compare and contrast each of the things you have noticed in order to discover similarities and differences, build typologies, or find sequences and patterns. In the process you might also stumble across http://ukthesis.org/ygsslwdx/ both wholes and holes in the data.