Appendix I Questionnaire
Dear participant!
We are implementing a study on “Research on reverse logistics in Chinese B2C e-commerce: taking Jingdong Mall as an example”. Therefore, we will greatly appreciate if you can finish the following questionnaire which may take you about 15 minutes.
Your participations subject to privacy policies and will be handled anonymously. We sincerely thank you for your collaboration!
Part I: Please tick the options that can reflect your true opinion most.
1. Your age:
□ 18-20 □ 21-35 □ 36-45 □ 46-50 □ More than 50
2. Your occupation:
□ Student □ Teacher □ White-collar worker □ Others
3. How many times have you shopped through Jingdong Mall?
□ 1-2 □ 3-4 □ More than 5 □ Never#p#分页标题#e#
4. Have you ever returned or replaced goods?
□ Yes □ No
5. What will be the reasons for your return or replacement?
□ Bad quality of goods □ The goods is not in line with what I expected.
□ The goods is outdated. □ Other reasons
6. What will be the reasons for you to accept the goods that you are not satisfied with?
□ It often costs much time to return or replace. □ Claim for refund may be refused.
□ I am not confident about the replacement. □ Procedure of return/replacement is complex.
□ Other reasons
7. What provisions that Jingdong Mall provides in hindering your return or replacement?
□ Keeping package complete intact □ Providing test reports to support return / replacement
□ Paying fees for return / replacement □ Other reasons
8. How long will you return or replace goods from Jingdong Mall?
□ 1-2 days □ 3-4 days □ 5-6 days □ More than a week
9. Who will pay the fees for the return of replacement?
□ Jingdong Mall □ Consumer □ Both
Part II: In the following questions, five degrees are used to reflect your answers to each question, please tick the option that can reflect your true opinion most.