英国dissertation网提供物流供应链管理留学生毕业dissertation定制本文是分为三部分,提供供应链管理的讨论是一个组织的功能或哲学。首先,它是将分别提供作为整个供应链管理作为一种组织功能和一种哲学的定义。在第二部分,它是对比和比较不同的理论和研究人员和学者讨论的意见,是供应链管理组织的功能或哲学。在最后一部分,它会给出一个客观的总结。Supply Chain Management -Is Supply Chain Management an organisational function or a philosophy?
Tutor: Dr Rachel Mason-Jones
Date: 29/4/2010
Enrolment number: 09028730
Trend of economic globalization in the world, the enterprise has undergone tremendous changes in living environment, market complexity and uncertainty increase, hierarchical structure of user needs upgrading and diversification of demand, product life cycles are getting shorter, competition is increasingly fierce. At the same time, modern information technology has developed rapidly. In this context, supply chain management came into being. However, researchers and scholars have different view points on how to define supply chain management (Zachariassen and Liempd, 2010). This essay is divided into three parts to offers a discussion of supply chain management is an organisational function or a philosophy. First of all, it is going to provide the definition as a whole of supply chain management as an organisational function and a philosophy respectively. In the second part, it is going to contrast and compare the different theories and views of researchers and scholars to discuss is supply chain management an organisational function or a philosophy. In the final part, it will give an objectively summary.
Global economic integration, the increasing interdependence between enterprises and the environment of customers demand more personalized makes supply chain management is increasingly becoming a new competitive business strategy (Lambert et al., 2005). Stock (2000, p.729) concludes that: ‘SCM offers such potential in terms of financial and service benefits to organizations and customers that it cannot be ignored.’ In theory, supply chain management also can be seen as a fashion trend to the organization, or be interpreted as a reason for the decision or action (Abrahamson, 1996), most just use it as a form (Meyer and Rowan, 1977). In other words, supply chain management is a good manage skill to establish a series of methods to monitor the supply chain, enable it to effectively deliver high-quality and high value products or services for the customers. However, Christopher (1992) mentioned that SCM as an important means of modern enterprise management, connecting suppliers and vendors, effectively reducing the cost of the enterprise to achieve rapid and timely product production, so that makes public more concerned about it. Furthermore, SCM can be considered as an important management tool for improving enterprise efficiency (Kotzab et al., 2006). Can be understood that supply chain management is to optimize and improve supply chain activities, its object is the supply chain organization and the flow between them; the application approach is integration and coordination to meet customer demand, and ultimately improve the overall competitiveness of the supply chain.#p#分页标题#e#
Min and Mentzer (2000) pointed out: “SCM has been conceptualized with two different components - an integrative business philosophy and implementation actions – to manage the flow of a distribution channel from the supplier to the ultimate user.” According to Svensson’s (2003) view, supply chain management has become a management philosophy, with the advantages of a high degree of market organization and scale of operations organically links the production and consumption, and has a direct guidance role for production and circulation. Supply chain management must be monitored for all activities in the supply chain nodes, including logistics processes, customer order management, production processes and information flow (Lummus et al., 2001). It can be said that supply chain management is a management strategy that integrates the different enterprises in order to increase the efficiency of the entire supply chain, focusing on cooperation between enterprises. For example,
Supply chain management able to develop more suppliers, and to make buyers and suppliers to establish a closer relationship (Scannell et al., 2000). Different experts have different views on the implementation of supply chain management (Zachariassen and Liempd, 2010).
Many companies coordinate all aspects of supply chain activities, Including Inventory management, cost control, improve internal communication of non-core capacity-building, build-to-order production strategy, flexible organizations, organizational relationships, and the entire supply chain coordination, thereby enhancing the company's business performance (Chandra and Kumar, 2000).
Supply chain management is closely related to the enterprise main business and optimizes their business and creates value. With the continuous development of supply chain management, supply chain management will become more apparent influence on firm performance. Effective supply chain management will give enterprises the change on the efficiency and effectiveness, also form the core competitive advantage, enhance their responsiveness to customer service, effectively improve customer satisfaction, enhance the ability to identify changes in market demand, and respond to market sensitivity and so on. Therefore, the active supply chain management to enable enterprises to continuously improve and develop, and ultimately can enhance their overall competitiveness (Zachariassen and Liempd, 2010).
Kotzab, H., Grant, D.B., Friis, A. (2006), "Supply chain management implementation and priority strategies in Danish organizations", Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 27 No.2, pp.273-300.
Lambert, D.M., Garcia-Dastugue, S.J., Croxton, K.L. (2005), "An evaluation of process-oriented supply chain management frameworks", Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 26 No.1, pp.25-51.#p#分页标题#e#
Christopher, M. (1992), Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Services, Pitman, London, .
Implementation of SCM in inter-organizational relationships: a symbolic perspective
The Authors :Frederik Zachariassen, Dennis van Liempd,
Journal: International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
Volume: 40 Number: 4 Year:2010
Abrahamson, E. (1996), "Management fashion", Academy of Management Review, Vol. 21 No.1, pp.254-85.
Meyer, J.W., Rowan, B. (1977), "Institutional organizations: formal structure as myth and ceremony", American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 83 No.2, pp.340-63.
Scannell, T.V., Vickery, S.K., Dröge, C.L. (2000), "Upstream supply chain management and competitive performance in the automotive supply industry", Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 21 No.1, pp.23-48.
Kotzab, H., Grant, D.B., Friis, A. (2006), "Supply chain management implementation and priority strategies in Danish organizations", Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 27 No.2, pp.273-300.
Holistic and cross-disciplinary deficiencies in the theory generation of supply chain management
Author(s): Göran Svensson
Göran Svensson, (2003) "Holistic and cross-disciplinary deficiencies in the theory generation of supply chain management", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 8 Iss: 4, pp.303 - 316
Lummus, R.R., Krumwlede, D.W. and Vokurka, R.J. (2001), ‘The relationship of logistics to supply chain management: developing a common industry definition’, Industrial Management & Data systems, Vol. 1011, No. 8, pp. 426-31.
Stock, J.R. (2000), ‘Editorial’, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 20 No.9, p.729.
Chandra, C. and Kumar, S. (2000), “Supply chain management in theory and practice: a passing fad or a fundamental change”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, No. 100-3, pp. 100-13.
http://www.ukthesis.org/dissertation_sample/Canada_Dissertation_Sample/In this section, we discuss the four functions that form thefoundation for our interdisciplinary model: marketing,logistics, operations, and information technology. For eachfunction, we present a common view of supply chainmanagement as defined across the disciplines under study.Historically, logistics has focused on the integration ofbusiness processes within the supply chain from rawmaterials to transformation, marketing from transformationto end user, operations at the midpoint or transformationphase and information technology linking all the supply chainactivities together through information exchanges. A moreholistic approach, consistent with today’s global market place,defines supply chain management (SCM) as focusing on theoperation of the entire network of businesses that transforminputs (e.g. raw materials and information) into finishedproducts and services, and delivers them to their endcustomers. Other elements included are information systemsintegration and the coordination of planning and controlactivities (Lummus et al., 2001, p. 428).#p#分页标题#e#
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