Your 5,000 word essay should contain a SMALL research study that explores ONE of the following aspects:
1) a small study of a particular learner’s speaking or writing in a second language which is analysed in relation to available literature (not restricted to the unit readings but demonstrating that you understand the unit readings)
2) an examination of a claim found in the literature about the nature, influences on or course of second language acquisition using data from your own context.
As indicated in your unit outline, to comply with ethics guidelines, please ensure that your learner is 18 years or older. Your essay must show a critical understanding of relevant readings, be presented in consistent and reliable English that shows YOUR thinking and how YOU have developed your argument by using the evidence in the readings. Your research must clearly relate to the readings that you report, and must be framed by a clear question. You must consistently and accurately reference what you have read, both in the text and in the reference list. The work must be YOUR OWN. Although your coursework is worth 100% of your final result for this unit, in order to complete the course, you will be required to engage in class participation, and demonstrate your knowledge of the class readings.
As part of your small study you are required to
• Decide on a language feature that you wish to study (e.g., a sound or a grammatical point in the second language). Create a list of topics that would encourage your participant to use this language feature. [See attached handout for potential topics for language samples for English as a Second Language]. Check the suitability of these topics with the lecturer prior to conducting the research.
• Gain a thorough knowledge of the aspect of language you are researching.
• Locate one participant for your study. Ensure that your participant has read the details in the Participant Information Sheet [attached] and that s/he has filled out the requisite Consent Form.
• Collect your language sample. The language sample may be written or spoken text. The sample should be of sufficient length to enable valid generalisations. The length of the sample will depend on your selected language feature. No language sample should take longer than 30 minutes to collect.
• Interview your participant in order toUK thesis base ascertain relevant background information about the participant’s language learning experiences [See attached guidelines for your interview].
• Be prepared to discuss your selected language feature in depth with your participant at the end of the interview if s/he wishes.
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