Learning outcomes
• To thoroughly study diverse technologies available for multiplatform AV content distribution as alternatives to terrestrial broadcasting.
• To compare the performance of various available platforms and related codecs for digital media contents delivery, including terrestrial digital broadcasting, Internet streaming and 3G mobile network streaming, http://www.ukthesis.org/thesis_sample/ using objective and/or subjective evaluations.
• To study relevant technical literature and documents and develop literature search skills.
• To consolidate technical report authoring skills.
• To demonstrate an in-depth understanding of multiplatform distribution technologies and related issues. Key skills to be assessed
• In-depth understanding of alternative and multi-platform AV distribution technologies,
• Ability to critically evaluate related technologies and systems via qualitative and quantitative comparisons,
• Effective use of library and internet learning resources, http://www.ukthesis.org/Assignment_Writing/ Essay, technical document and consultancy report authoring skills, and
• Oral presentation skills Context and tasks Context An audio and video production studio (a small limited company) used to produce various audio and video recordings, mostly short commercials, musical and entertaining programmes, for its clients.
Now the studio wishes to extend its business to broadcasting, delivery and distribution of part of these AV contents. Business analysis shows that in the first phase of the new business initiative, there will be 4 hours of video and 2 hours of audio contents to be delivered daily with contents being renewed weekly. http://www.ukthesis.org/ygsslwdx/ Given the complexity and high cost involved, the management provisionally ruled out the feasibility of establishing and running its own terrestrial broadcast station(s). Instead, the strategic plan is to use a combination of third party services, Internet and mobile network based delivery technologies. Tasks You are expected to carry out a thorough research and then write a technical report to the CEO of the company on various feasible technical means to achieve the above business goals. Contrast their advantages and limitations. Suggest TWO sensible technical plans, using a combination of the identified technologies, for the CEO to consider. Outline achievable technical specifications and anticipated user experience by a critical assessment using objective and/or subject methods, and draw up a clear conclusion to support your recommendation. You are also expected to reassure the management that ruling out the option of setting up the companies own terrestrial broadcast station is a sensible decision. In addition, you should also inform the CEO the expected budget of your plans. Report structure and mark breakdown
1. Summary /Introduction (up to 5% for a concise summary)
2. Introduction (up to 5% for clear presentation)
3. Review and evaluation of feasible technologies (up to 30% for a thorough review)
4. Suggestion of two plans (up to 20% for a detailed plans)
5. Achievable technical specs for each plan (up to 20% for accurate technical data)
6. Conclusion (up to 10% for a clear conclusion)
7. References (up to 10% for sufficient reference and a good referencing style.)
Formative and summative Assessment regime The assignment will be assessed twice namely first assessment with feedback and final assessment.
• Students complete the first version of their work and submit it by 23rd of April, 2011. They also give a 10-15 minute presentation. These will be marked and detailed feedback and suggested about how to improve their work will be given by 4th of May, 2012.
• Taking into account the feedback from the first submission, the students improve their work for final submission by 25th of May, 2012. Weighting of assessments is as follows: First submission 40% Presentation 10% Final submission 50% Additional instructions:
• This is an individual assignment. It should be your own work.
• Use this assignment to learn as much as possible about the topics. Marks will be awarded to the breadth and depth of your insights and the critical thinking/evaluation shown in your report.
• Consult a sufficient number of references. Remember 10 % of the assignment mark is awarded for the breadth and appropriateness of sources.
• Summarise your research in your own words. Do NOT copy from other sources.
• If you need to quote from other sources, ensure you make reference to them correctly. You should also avoid large chunks of quotation. • Respect copyright, do not cut and paste copyright protected graphs and illustrations. If you adopt “free-to-use” illustrations, acknowledge the sources.
• Write no more than 5000 words.
• Diagrams and charts etc. are invaluable; use them with care and properly refer to them in your text. Add appropriate labels and captions.
• Include an electronic copy of your report (on a CD, floppy disks are no longer supported by the university IT facilities) in your submission.
• Submission should be dated by the University/School submission Reception Desk, your personal e-mail archive can not be used as proof of submission.
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