人们自己去面对抑郁是一个悲惨的经历。那是一种人们无法想象去解决的事情。抑郁不仅仅对受害人有影响,还对那些和这些受害人关系紧密的人有影响。抑郁的人想要得到他们朋友或者亲戚的支持,那样他们才可以应对那种状况。在一些特别的案例中,那些抑郁的人会因为缺少生命的意义而想要自杀。抑郁远远比大多数人们以为的那么常见。(McWhirter, McWhirter, & McWhirter, 2013)例如,研究揭示了大约10,000,000美国人每年一次地表现出有抑郁的征兆。各年龄阶层的人们都有所影响,但在成年人和年轻人出现的更加常见。有评估表示有3%-5%未成年人里每年在遭受着抑郁的经历。这就意味着在100个朋友中会有4个在遭受着抑郁。(UPJ, 2012).
Analysis Paper On Experiential LearningExperiential LearningExperiential Learning
Depression is a miserable experience for someone to go through alone. It is something that one person cannot manage to deal with. Depression does not only impact on victims, but it also impacts on the people who are in close ties with the victim. People who are depressed are in need of support from their friends and relatives, so that they can cope with the condition.?In extreme cases, people who are depressed may tend to commit suicide because they lack value for life. Depression is more common than most people believe (McWhirter, McWhirter, & McWhirter, 2013). For instance, research reveals that approximately 10 million Americans annually show signs of depression. It impacts on people of all ages, but it is more common among adults than young people. Estimates reveal that 3 to 5 percent experiences of adolescents undergo through depression every year. This means that out of 100 friends, four of them could be experiencing depression (UPJ, 2012).
Depression has very serious effects on people who experience it. For instance, people who are under the influence of depression perform poorly in school, feel hopeless and worthless, engage in drug and alcohol abuse, and experience truancy. There are various forms of depression. For instance, this are those people who experience one instance of depression in their lifetime, but others often experience recurrences (Clinton , Clark, & Straub, 2010).
There are those people who cannot manage to undertake even the simplest activities once they are under the influence of depression. Therefore, it is important to give depressed people all the support that they can get, in order to make them appreciate themselves and appreciate life, as it is, with all its ups and downs (Clinton , Clark, & Straub, 2010). This way, they can manage to undertake their daily activities in an appropriate manner. This paper will discuss the issue of depression and the manner in which it has impacted on Manuel, a 15 year old boy, and suggest the measures that should be adopted, in order to help him cope with the depression. The paper will focus on the dos and don’ts in the case of Manuel’s depressed state.#p#分页标题#e#
Manuel is a 15-year old teenager, and he is under the influence of extreme depression to an extent that he does not care about life anymore. With this kind of stress, Manuel is incapable of coping with the life, and prefers to end his life in order escape from this situation. The extent of Manuel’s depression is deep and deserves to be undertaken in a cautious manner, while considering the dos and don’ts, in order to cope with his situation in an appropriate manner. There are various approaches that should be considered while addressing Manuel with regard to his depressed state.
Acknowledging the state that a person is in
What to do
When dealing with a person who is depressed, one should acknowledge their state that they seem to be depressed, and that one want to help them cope with the condition. That serves as a reassuring way to them since most depressed people do not feel like talking to people regarding their depressed state. A depressed person should be made to feel that he is appreciated and trusted. This way, he would tend to feel wanted and loved (Versageek, 2013).
What to not to do
When dealing with a depressed person, one should not pretend that the condition does not exist. This debilitates a person and he finds it hard to cope with the condition. This is because such kind of an attitude makes one to feel insignificant, and that one are not taking his condition in a serious manner.
Find out why the person is depressed
What to do?
Finding out why a person is depressed also plays a vital role, in terms helping a depressed person to recover from his state. However, while asking this question, one should do it in a gentle manner and should be patient, even if they do not wish to share the incidence with one. If a depressed person answers one’s questions, this is an indication that they are in need of support (Versageek, 2013).
What not to do
When a person opens up and tells one the reasons as to why he or she is depressed, one should take those things seriously, and refrain from joking with them. It is important not to bring them up in a light-hearted conversation. This is because that kind of an attitude would alter the moods of the depressed people, and make them to get worse.?
Listen keenly to the person
What to do
Some people often think that the depressed people cannot talk about their depression. However, a person could be wrong for thinking in that sense since he might be in need of a person, to express his opinions while seeking for advice. Some people feel that they should hide their depression, so that they can go on with their usual life. When a person starts talking about the problems that are distressing him, one should listen as this means a lot to him. One should take care not to interrupt them as they are talking, and should not react in horror since when depressed people open up, it is a sign of the trust that they have for someone. Thus, one should value this trust, and keep it as that is the number one thing that depressed people need in their life (McWhirter, McWhirter, & McWhirter, 2013).#p#分页标题#e#
What not to do
One should refrain from joking when the depressed people are talking. This makes him to feel taken advantage of him, and that one is not serious. Though someone may think that lightening up the mood is a good thing, this is not appropriate for a depressed person, as he would feel intimidated. It is critical to refrain from asking him the reason as to why he is not happy, since this is out of their control. One should understand that a depressed mind is very sensitive, and it is not easy to control (Clinton , Clark, & Straub, 2010).?
Try to be understanding
What to do
People have different stories regarding their depressed state and it is difficult to understand them completely. Since depression is a complex case, it is all right for a person to understand where they are coming from. By putting oneself in their shoes, one can be close to them. This way, a person can be able to perform a careful analysis of their depressed state, and contemplate how they are feeling (UPJ, 2012).
What not to do
Even after gaining the trust of the depressed person, one should refrain from telling him that life is still worth living. The reason is that it would make him to feel guilty about his condition, as this may influence him to engage in more suicidal tendencies.
In the case of Manuel, one should acknowledge the state that he is in, find the reason as to why he is depressed, listen keenly to what he has to say and understand his condition. This way, he would be able to consider his condition and begin appreciating himself, thus, eliminating his suicidal thoughts.
Clinton , T., Clark, C., & Straub, J. (2010).?The quick- reference guide to counseling teenagers.?Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
McWhirter, J. J., McWhirter, B. T., & McWhirter, R. H. (2013).?At-risk youth: A comprehensive response for counselors, teachers, psychologists and human service professionals.?Belmont: Brooks/Cole Publishers.
UPJ. (2012).?What to do when a friend is depressed.?Retrieved 06 April 2013 from http://www.upj.pitt.edu/1801/
Versageek, D. J. (2013).?How to Help a Friend with Depression.?Retrieved 06 April 2013 from http://www.wikihow.com/Help-a-Friend-with-Depression