Ancept,Inc.Case History—Oglivy&Mather
400 First Avenue North,Suite 450 Minneapolis,MN 55101
Telephone 612 677-1385 ext 451
THE ORGANIZATION Ogilvy&Mather,recently named by“AdAge”as Agency of the Year for 2002 for their abil-ity to create successful integrated marketingprograms for global blue-chip clients,is con-stantly 留学生dissertation网seeking new approaches to enhancetheir role to act as effective brand stewardsfor their clients.
As the industry leader,Ogilvy&Matherconstantly seeks to live up to founder DavidOgilvy’s credo of always searching for ameans to impart continuous improvement onits already first class principles of operations.
Ogilvy&Mather’s industry leading approachto brand is referred to as 360-degree brandstewardship.As brand stewards,Ogilvy&Mather creates attention getting messagesthat make a promise consistent and true tothe brand's image and identity.
As brand stewards Ogilvy&Mather passionately protect and extend their clients’brand.In their ongoing role as brand stewards,Ogilvy&Mather identified theneed to preserve,manage and increase access to the sizable collection of richmedia assets that they have created for clients over the years dating back to1948.Through a series of internal discussions they determined that several keyobjectives would need to be accomplished bythis brand management system:
>Conversion of existing brand assets from physical form to digital
orm to preserve the quality and heritage of those assets.
>>Create a secure,centralized repository for each brand’s mediaassets that could be accessed by Ogilvy&Mather employees.
>>Identify ways that the brand asset management system wouldenhance the first class operation of Ogilvy&Mather.
>>Ensure that the system designed would be future proof.It wouldneed to be flexible enough to support operational tools,multipletypes of media assets,asset transformation and multiple for-mats and channels for output.
As a provider of marketing communications programs on a global basis Ogilvy&Mather understands the value andimportance of using information technology toachieve business objectives.Ogilvy&Mather’s go to technology partner over theyears has always been IBM.So it was only natural that Ogilvy&Mather turned to
IBM to help assemble a solution for their brand asset management system.
IBM,the world’s leading provider of rich media asset management solutionsexamined the needs of Ogilvy&Mather in detail and identified that several part-ners would be required to complete this end to end solution.To meet Ogilvy&Mather’s needs,IBM turned to their top partner for rich mediaasset management design and execution–reviewed the key objectives that Ogilvy&Mather had shared with IBM.Ancept’s first step was to execute their best practices based client needs assessment.They evaluated theagency’s current and future objectives,core production processes and workflows,the technology infrastructureand the initial set of assets to be digitized for management,editing and distribution.They then interviewed the Ogilvy&Mather team to determine the current and future needs of the system.At astrategic level,this information was used to develop short and long term project goals.At a tactical level,thisinformation was used to create the data model for indexing,categorizing and cataloguing the assets so theywould be simple to locate and delivered in a format appropriate to the audience.DEFINING THE SOLUTION:From Production Prowess to Strategic Competitive Advantage2>>Ancept,Inc.Case History—Oglivy&Mather#p#分页标题#e#
400 First Avenue North,Suite 450 Minneapolis,MN 55101
Telephone 612 677-1385 ext 451
ANCEPT:The IBM and Video Experts
Ogilvy&Mather Business Objective
Conversion of existing brand assets from physical
form to digital form to preserve the quality and her-itage of those assets.Provide desktop access to video for Ogilvy&Matheremployees.Create a brand video asset repository that is secure,
centralized and can be accessed by Ogilvy&Matheremployees.
Identify ways that the brand asset management sys-tem would be able to enhance the first class opera-tions of Ogilvy&Mather.Ensure that the system designed was future proof.It
would need to be flexible enough to support opera-tional tools,multiple types of media assets,assettransformation and multiple formats and channelsfor output.
Ancept Solution ElementVirage’s Videologger?and Telestream’s Clipmail Pro?to"ingest"analog data into digital format and extract key
asset information or meta-data from the asset to facilitatequick retrieval.
Ancept’s java based application allows users to performframe accurate rough cut editing at thedesktop.Telestream’s ClipMail Pro provides the distribution of thevideo and IBM’s Video Charger provides the streaming.
A detailed plan for the design and deployment of a cen-tralized video asset repository based on Ancept Media
Server and IBM’s Content Manager applications.Ancept’sabstraction layer enables one system to manage multipleobject databases around the globe unifying them.Telestream's FlipFactory?technology transcodes videointo various formats and bit rates,delivering all digital"Play Lists,"effectively eliminating the enormously timeconsuming task of creating playlists.Improve media supply chain by developing an order inter-
face to service provider that manufactures and distributesphysical media for the client.Utilize a core engine for the repository that is open,flexi-ble,and scalable.Ancept Media Server based on a J2EEarchitecture ensures the system can integrate with thekey tools for:ingestion,indexing,non-linear editing andistribution/streaming.IBM’s Content Manager,Websphere and DB2 products support the required scalability and stability needed for a mission critical system.Mapping Business Objectives into aTechnology Based Business Solution ElementsAncept reviewed the key Ogilvy&Mather objectiveswith John Swofford,Chief Engineer at Ogilvy&Mather.Swofford comments,“Ancept is an expert at under-
standing the capabilities of the IBM product line anddentifying how to use their technology and partner
technology to deploy real solutions.”
Ancept began the process of mapping the businessobjectives to a solution.The solution elements were#p#分页标题#e#
aggregated to determine the where and how ofintegrating these powerful technologies into one
dynamic solution.3>>Ancept,Inc.Case History—Oglivy&Mather400 First Avenue North,Suite 450 Minneapolis,MN 55101Telephone 612 677-1385 ext 451
Time to Air
Ogilvy&Mather continuously createsnew or supporting brand programs for
their clients which regularly includes theuse of commercial spots.Ogilvy&Matheris challenged by their clients to get thesecommercial spots"to air"as quickly aspossible at a promised budget.Similarly,Ancept was tasked with executingthe extremely aggressive goals of deployingOgilvy&Mather’s end-to-end digital asset
management solution within 120 days,at a
fixed budget and at one third to one fourth
of the price of custom solutions.
Ogilvy&Mather’s John Swofford notes,
“Ancept met every deadline within the
budget we had outlined.We understand
what a challenge it is to execute complex
programs for customers.We were grateful
to find an organization with such a strong
work ethic and commitment to succeeding
at this complex undertaking.”
THE PAYBACK:Organizational&Operational Efficiency,Enhanced
Customer Experience,Management and New Revenue Streams
Ogilvy&Mather has been ecstatic about the impact that the digital asset
management system has had on the organization.It is clear to John Swofford
that the system will pay for itself quickly,“Based solely on the increased
operational efficiency savings realized by a streamlined post–production process
and the savings in shipping and expediting costs,the system will pay for itself
in one year.”
The current and near future benefits realized by Ogilvy&Mather fall into
four categories:
Organizational and Operational Efficiency
>>Eliminate the request,collate,search,review,and repeat process
for assembling playlists.
>>Eliminate administrative resources to manage,search and locate
the physical assets.
>>Enlarge the number of people,regardless of geographic location,
who can work on a single video at one time by enabling transcod-
ing of the asset into the format needed for editing or viewing.
Enhanced Customer Experience Management
>>Easy to use web based system for ordering and distributing
physical tapes of the client video to their employees,customers
and partners.
>>Shortened time to market for spots by providing immediate access
to video assets required by the entire account production team
including:video production team,the website team and the DVD
production team.
New Revenue Streams
>>Provide video archiving services for customers on an outsourced#p#分页标题#e#
Strategic Advantage
>>Ogilvy&Mather staff will also have the ability to deliver video spots
electronically to global Ogilvy&Mather conference rooms and client locations.
>>Assets of global clients will be accessible to local Ogilvy&Mather
branches ensuring that the core video content is consistent and
true to the brand’s image and identity.
>>Support Ogilvy&Mather’s position as a visionary industry leader
that is committed to extreme client satisfaction.4>>Ancept,Inc.Case History—Oglivy&Mather
400 First Avenue North,Suite 450 Minneapolis,MN 55101
Telephone 612 677-1385 ext 451
Courtesy of Telestream,Inc.
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