申请英国大学的personal statement需要注意的问题
10-04, 2015
申请英国大学时候,personal statement是必备的申请材料,它对于最后的申请结果是至关重要的,写的好申请就容易成功,写不好就容易被拒。
有人觉得个人陈述personal statement写得太好容易遭到质疑,这首先要明确,英国大学申请过程中, personal statement最重要的目的是为了让招生委员会更深入、更全面地了解申请人的情况。所以这种personal statement的内容不应该是申请学生的简单背景介绍或者学习成绩的机械罗列,而是着重应该写学生的思考、观察、反省以及从经历中所学到的东西。
但是一个常见的问题是,当一名申请者的TOEFL/SAT写作部分得分不高,而所递交的申请personal statement如果写得太好,是不是反而会让招生委员会质疑呢?这种担心很多人都有,尤其是在学生找他人修改过personal statement后,更加会心里没底,学生往往无所适从,不知道 personal statement写到什么程度为好。甚至有人建议,如果TOEFL/SAT写作部分的成绩不佳,写申请personal statement的时候还要故意降低写作水平来增加内容的可信性。
在国外大学本科招生委员会阅读学生personal statement的时候,有的admission officer会在学生的材料上批注一个符号“DDI”,意思是说,daddy did it.也就意味着,招生委员会认为这个申请材料是孩子的爸爸(或者其他成年人)帮助写成的。这样一来,其内容的可信程度就大打折扣了。所以如果 TOEFL/SAT写作部分的得分不高,在personal statement的写作过程中要小心用词遣句,假设学生找一个英美文学的高手来代笔,写得出神入化,有时可能效果还适得其反。
也有人认为写personal statement要深思熟虑尽情发挥。其实TOEFL/SAT写作部分和英国大学本科的申请personal statement无论从内容、题材、常用结构,都是截然不同的,大多数时候这两者并没有可比性,也没有必然的联系。TOEFL/SAT写作部分更多像是应用文写作或是格式固定的写作,要求在规定的很短时间内表达学生的观点,这一点,考察的是学生将来在英国大学中学习的潜力。事实上,将来进入大学,课堂中很常见的one-page paper,就是那种要求短时间完成的一页纸的小短文essay,和TOEFL/SAT写作部分中的要求与格式是极为类似的。而申请personal statement则考察学生在深思熟虑之后,对自我情况的一种把握能力,也就是所谓的self-mastery,这一点要求很高,也是学生成熟度的一个体现。在对自身有深刻认识的前提之下,写出的文章自然用词精准,句式多变,有思想深度。这种文章,某种程度上像是学生将来学成工作后,对真实世界的一个深度剖析。因此,两类文章在结构安排、逻辑呼应、词句选择上有所区别,也是完全可以理解的。
所以说,以上两类文章各有侧重,也给那些因为种种原因TOEFL/SAT写作部分发挥不好,没有取得满意成绩的学生另一个机会,在申请 personal statement中作出弥补。下面提供一篇范文供参考:#p#分页标题#e#
Business and law personal statement
Academically, I have always been a very determined and studious individual, hence why I knew that a degree at University would be the definite next step. I have a broad interest in many subject areas yet feel drawn towards a law or business orientated degree. With regards to Business, the reasoning behind my choice is the complex and intriguing nature of the subject. I particularly enjoy the way business so appropriately blends in with everyday issues. Since taking the subject at A-Level my interest has grown and matured and I am able to view many businesses analytically and make suggestions regarding possible improvements. Law is an area which has interested me from an early age. I enjoy extensive reading and recognise that this is essential in studying law. I consider myself to be well suited to a career in law as I pay much attention to detail and take pleasure in undergoing work which raises social issues in today’s society and requires the skill to manipulate evidence and present persuasive arguments. I also believe that the Psychology A-Level I have has aided me in observing the actions of others and how their opinions and memories are influenced by external factors. This area of work requires much confidence which I believe I posses and can use to my advantage in order to gain recognition in this competitive field of work.
My work experience is very broad due to a variety of positions I have held in differentiating working environments. My experience working for Royal Worchester & Spode in the Debenhams’ department store has been the most influential. The up-market company requires a confidant disposition from a Sales Advisor such as myself and a proficient memory in order to ensure product knowledge is to an optimum standard. I was also given the responsibility to train a new employee which displays the high degree of trust my employers have for me.
My educational experiences have been of great use to me from a position of form captain in Secondary School to aiding the organisation of mass celebrations in College. Responsibilities such as these have helped me to mature and take my positions seriously so that I am respected by staff. My position of English Prefect in Year 11 required a large portion of my time as I was in charge of aiding the entire English department. My interest in the Italian language has also led me to have an article I wrote regarding the exploitation of women on Italian Television published in ‘L’Italiano’ newspaper, to which I was very content to have my views expressed.
During Secondary School I also attended evening Italian classes where I was presented with ‘The Student of the Year Award’ due to my excellent standard of work. The class required me to organise my time efficiently so that other schoolwork did not suffer as a result of my extra GCSE. As a result of these classes and of my Italian parents I now speak the language fluently.#p#分页标题#e#
Sport and leisure also interests me and during college I decided to use this interest to do charity work for RNIB where I raised £250 and abseiled 120ft down Westminster University. I played Netball for the Harrow Netball Team and competed in the OGI UK Games for the Harrow and Wembley team where I was awarded several trophies and a gold and bronze medal for long jump and javelin.