An enterprise through asset impairment policy options to manage earnings performance
1, bad debts accounting policy choice
"Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 22 - Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement" will be defined as corporate receivables financial assets, provision for bad debts of enterprises to follow the principle of prudence expected bad debt losses on receivables provision for assets less allowances. The standard requires companies provision for accounts receivable balance method percentage method, the net percentage of credit sales method and the aging analysis of three methods. In the determination of the extraction ratio, given the large accounting firm option, companies can based on past experience, the debtor's actual financial position and cash flows and other relevant information to be reasonably estimated. In other words, companies need to estimate the provision according to their proportion to arrive at different financial results, which gives companies according to their need to manage earnings to provide a space.
"Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 1 - Inventories" in the provisions, the net realizable value of inventories is the estimated selling price less the estimated completion costs to be incurred, the estimated selling expenses and related taxes amount. In the current market price mechanism is not perfect circumstances, the estimated selling price with a certain amount of the floating range for the estimated costs of completion and selling expenses enterprises is according to their need to be addressed, so that the adjustment of the net realizable value of more meet the business requirements. Inventories standard requires provision for inventories, the enterprise should normally follow a single inventory item inventory provision, for large quantity and low inventory, inventory category can follow provision for inventories, production and in the same area sales of products related to the series with the same or similar end use or purpose, and difficult to be measured separately from other items of inventory, you can merge provision for inventories. Whereby companies can if necessary, be by individual, by category or by product line method provision for inventories, which also provides a space for earnings management.#p#分页标题#e#
3, long-term equity investment impairment accounting policy choices
"Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets" requires estimates the asset's recoverable amount should be based on its fair value less costs of disposal of assets and expected net present value of future cash flows determined by the higher between . In terms of fair value, long-term equity investment firm, there is an active market, it should be by reference to active market prices to determine the fair value; no active market exists, not in accordance with the market information to determine the fair value of the case, it should be in accordance with the certain valuation techniques such reasonable method to determine the value of its fair value; fair value can not fair, companies can estimate disposal costs according to their needs. This requirement allows businesses to determine the recoverable amount of uncertainty when you have a strong, enterprise management authorities according to their own circumstances, in the provision, and the provision no provision for how many destinations to choose between.
4, fixed asset impairment accounting policy choices
"Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets" requires companies at the end of the fixed assets should be checked one by one, and if the recoverable amount is lower than its book value, the difference between them should be impaired. In determining the recoverable amount, with strong uncertainties and maneuverability, the sale price in the current market price mechanism has some floating range of enterprises according to their own needs estimates of asset disposal costs. Therefore, the enterprise management authorities can according to their own situation impairment, to provide space for corporate earnings management.
5, impairment of intangible assets accounting policy choices
"Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets" in determining the recoverable amount of intangible assets, net selling price of the sale price in the current market price mechanism has some floating range, and because of the unique intangible assets characteristics, the recoverable amount is more difficult to estimate. Companies also can according to their needs estimates of asset disposal costs, impairment, to provide space for corporate earnings management.
Second, asset impairment policy choices and corporate earnings game relationship status
1, the government through the development of criteria for asset impairment inhibition enterprise earnings management
(A) Impairment of Assets scope clearer guidelines. 2001 "enterprise accounting system" provides only eight Provision for asset impairment, impairment of assets and no separate criteria, limitations on the scope of a larger earnings management for the enterprise provides a certain space. Compared to the old standards, in 2006, "Enterprise Accounting Standards" single set of guidelines and a clear impairment of all assets are impaired and the general principles applicable, and the scope of their specific norms to further define, to some extent inhibited corporate earnings management.
(2) Assets impaired judgment more operational. 2006 "Enterprise Accounting Standards" issued before the impairment of judgment and no clear indication of a unified basis, relies heavily on the professional judgment of the accounting staff, with great randomness, but also for corporate earnings management to create a larger space. 2006 "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets" provides accounting period whether the enterprise provision for asset impairment, depending on whether the assets are first indication of impairment exists, if the asset is not impaired, then they do not have estimates asset's recoverable amount, do not have a recognized asset impairment losses. New guidelines have a clear asset impairment testing of enterprise premise, and also listed seven asset may be impaired judgment standard, compared with the old guidelines more operational.
(3) Reversal of impairment loss provisions more stringent. 2001 "Enterprise Accounting Standards" provision for asset impairment and reversal is not strictly required, especially the reversal of impairment of assets with randomness, making enterprises through free provision and reversal of impairment of assets, financial whitewash statements is widespread, affecting the quality of accounting information, so that investors, creditors and other stakeholders interests are harmed. "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets" provides that an impairment loss is recognized, it can not be reversed in subsequent periods, and for long-lived assets impairment loss reversal is not allowed. Compared with the original provisions of the new standards to some extent inhibited the use of asset impairment corporate earnings management behavior.
(4) "asset group" and "corporate assets" in the introduction of more scientific. 2001 "Enterprise Accounting Standards" and impairment of assets are measured on an individual asset basis. Because some individual asset does not generate cash flows independently, making it difficult to determine the recoverable amount, resulting in the practical operation of operability is not strong, there is space for corporate earnings management. "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets," the concept of "asset group" and "corporate assets" to improve the practice of operational provision for asset impairment, the asset impairment using more scientific and accurate.
2, the companies use to create new institutional defects earnings management space (1) the net realizable value and recoverable amount is recognized complexity. Net realizable value, the recoverable amount of the asset impairment and so is the basis for recognition, measurement, and its recognition is largely dependent on the subjective judgment of accounting personnel, there is a big difference between subjective; estimate the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated to be future cash flows and the discount rate, the discount rate because the instability, making the estimate of recoverable amount greater flexibility. These factors to some extent, through asset impairment policy for corporate earnings management provides the operating space.#p#分页标题#e#
(2) Asset impairment provision standards multiplicity. Accounting standards require a full provision for impairment of assets should the conditions and full provision for impairment of assets is not a condition, as to how provision, provision ratio and what is entirely up to the actual situation of enterprises with their own judgment. Guidelines for asset impairment provisions lack of interoperability, asset impairment provision is reasonably easy to determine true for enterprises through asset impairment policy options to manage earnings to provide a larger space.
(3) asset group or combination of asset groups practical operation difficult. 2006 "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets," the concept of "asset group" and "corporate assets" concept, to a certain extent reflects the international convergence of accounting standards. However, since most of our companies do not have long-term practice of preparing cash flow projections, the corporate accounting staff and management of the cash flows estimated lack of experience, and numerous asset group division method lacks clear criteria, making asset group or combination of asset groups In practice, the operation more difficult, but also led companies through asset group division earnings management operations.
Third, improve asset impairment earnings management policies inhibiting Reflections
1, to further improve market information market and asset prices
Since the measurement of impairment of assets are stated at fair value based on the fair value of which is true and reasonable particularly important. From the point of view of the current market environment, the market price system is imperfect as well as complex, varied, not unity, so that enterprises, intermediary organizations, securities regulators are unable to access the full fair value of corporate assets. Fair value The fair is also difficult for enterprises through asset impairment policy to manage earnings to provide a larger space. Should improve the information through markets and asset price markets, so that all their assets at fair market value and determine a fair and reasonable and open, so that the company's provision for asset impairment rules to follow, thereby inhibiting enterprises through asset impairment policy to manage earnings, and truly reflects the fairness of the accounting principles, while increasing its maneuverability, fairness and objectivity.
2, to enhance the overall quality of accounting personnel education
Asset impairment analysis to determine in many aspects of accounting personnel with extensive expertise and strong professional judgment. Accounting personnel judgment largely determines asset impairment recognition, measurement accuracy, such as impaired judgment, estimation of future cash flows. To accurately measure the amount of impairment of assets, reasonably reflect the true value of corporate assets, accounting personnel need to improve their overall quality of all aspects. Ask the accounting staff actively and consciously, on the other hand requires the State to strengthen the accounting staff re-education, to have a good professional and moral qualities and skilled professional skills to become a qualified accounting workers.#p#分页标题#e#
3, improve the internal control system, improve relevant laws and regulations
Enterprises should improve the internal control system, strengthen the audit of asset impairment, standardizing accounting behavior, from the internal inhibition enterprises through asset impairment policy to manage earnings situation, to ensure that accounting information is true and complete. And the significance of the legal regulations to be implemented not only in its frequency, but its deterrent. States should improve relevant laws and regulations and appropriate to increase the punishment. For information on participating accounting fraud related offenses subject, not only to clarify their legal responsibility, but also to improve the degree of deterrence legal responsibility to crack down on corporate policy on the use of earnings management asset impairment accounting information distortion resulting behavior.
4, to strengthen the asset impairment accounting policy choices audit
CPA should exercise due professional care and expertise to plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence, review the correctness of asset impairment calculations, evaluation assets for impairment adequacy of disclosure. When the CPA audit evidence based on the estimated impairment of assets and the accounting statements as audited units are different, you should determine whether the differences are reasonable. Securities regulatory authorities should increase the loss of listed companies, especially supervision of listed companies to improve their transparency of information disclosure, should be severely punished for wrongdoing, in order to ensure the quality of financial reports of listed companies and the overall stock market's healthy development.