400Mbps/ch SiDP Receiver for Mobile TFT-LCD Driver IC 移动TFT-LCD驱动IC客户端接收的信号速度是 400 Mbps
A high speed serial interface receiver is realized in a 0.18um highvoltage CMOS technology for a mobile 24-bit hVGA TFT-LCDdriver (LDI) IC. 在0.18微米的高压CMOS技术下,移动的24位HVGA TFT-LCD驱动器(LSI)IC可以实现一个高速串行接口接收器的设置。The type of serial interface implemented is calledSimple Display Port (SiDP) and is intended to replace the legacyRGB interface in the LDI IC’s. The receiver consists of one clockand two data channels, and thereby reduces the number of signallines going through the hinge of a mobile phone from 28 down to6. All channels conform to Sub Low-Voltage DifferentialSignaling (SubLVDS) convention. The total transfer rate can beup to 800Mbps for two data channel. The current consumptionwas 5.4mA at the data rate of 600Mbps.上面的数据传输速率为600 Mbps,电流消耗是5.4毫安。
Introduction 介绍
As the display resolutions and color depths of the LCDs in mobileapplications increase, higher data rate and more number of datalines are required in the interface between a display driver IC andmodem or application processor (AP). Higher data rate causeselectro-magnetic interference (EMI) problem and many data lineslead to poor reliability due to interconnection cable fatigue nearthe hinges of clamshell-type mobile phones. Recently, manyapproaches to these problems have focused on the high speedserial interface such as Mobile Display Digital Interface (MDDI)and Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) [1, 2].This paper describes a high speed serial interface receiver formobile display driver ICs to satisfy requirements of low pin count,low power consumption, and high data throughput.本文介绍了一种高速串行接口下的移动接收器显示的驱动IC,以满足低驱动参数,低功耗和高数据吞吐量的要求。
SiDP ArchitectureSIDP架构
Figure 1 shows a system block diagram of SiDP. 图1示出了一个SIDP系统框图,A transmitter inan AP serializes the RGB parallel CMOS signals into SubLVDSsignals and generates a clock signal with the pixel clock frequencyusing a PLL. The interconnection layer consists of one clockchannel and two data channels. The number of data channels canbe programmable depending on the bandwidth needed. The SiDPreceivers in 1-channel mode and 2-channel mode support a screenresolution of QVGA and VGA including hVGA, respectively.This receiver in a LCD driver IC deserializes serial SubLVDSsignals into RGB parallel CMOS signals. The internal DLLrecovers high speed data synchronization signal from the clock.At full speed, each data channel transfers at 400Mbps, whichtranslates to the maximum total transfer rate of 800Mbps for twodata channels.
Fig. 2 shows the data format for two data channel mode with a 24-bit color depth. 图2显示了两个数据通道模式,24位色彩深度的数据格式。The number of bits on each channel for one clockperiod is fifteen. The 24 RGB data are separately transferred ontwo channels. “VS” and “HS” are vertical and horizontalsynchronization bits, respectively. “RES” is the reserved bit forthe future use and its default state is logic low. “CP” is the parity
bit of data payload and is high when the number of bits which arelogic high is even. 数据有效的加载了荷量和高度,甚至逻辑数据下的数据显示。Therefore the number of high bits is odd whenthere is no error. If parity error is detected, the receiver outputs theprevious error-free pixel information instead of the invalid pixelinformation. This error correction scheme makes it difficult todetect image errors by human eyes since two adjacent pixels oftenhave same value in a display screen.
By transferring CLK signal at the pixel clock frequency, pixelsynchronization information is sent to the receiver without anyadditional synchronization bits.通过传送CLK信号的像素传送的频率,没有任何额外的同步比的影响下,像素可以将同步信息发送到接收器。 This CLK signal is safelytransmitted to the receiver due to low clock frequency comparedto the data channel frequency. Also it shows better EMIcharacteristics compared to high clock frequency.
The number of signal lines going through the hinge is reducedfrom 28 down to 6. It improves the reliability of interconnectioncable in mobile phones and simplifies the design of flexibleprinted circuit board (FPC). A SubLVDS signal shows better EMIcharacteristics than that of CMOS signal because of the smallvoltage swing and differential signaling characteristics. Thisreceiver enables cutting down the total system power consumptionas the data throughput is especially increased since the channelcurrent is little depending on the data rate compared to the legacyparallel interface.
By incorporating the high speed serial interface, SiDP, intomobile TFT-LCD driver, an additional receiver chip is notrequired.通过纳入到移动的TFT-LCD驱动器的高速串行接口,SIDP,一个额外的接收器芯片,并不是必需的。