Preference shares The company may issue preference shares including preference shares which are, or atthe option of the company or holder are, liable to be redeemed or convertible intoordinary shares.
Each preference share confers on the holder a right to receive a preferential dividend, inpriority to the payment of any dividend on the ordinary shares, at the rate and on thebasis decided by the directors under the terms of issue. In addition to the preferential dividend and rights on winding up, each preference sharemay participate with the ordinary shares in profits and assets of the company, includingon a winding up, if and to the extent the directors decide under the terms of issue. 除了优先股息和清盘时的权利,在规则下,公司主管一定程度上决定每个的股票可能参与销售优先股并获得普通的利润,该公司的资产也包括清盘。
The preferential dividend may be cumulative only if and to the extent the directors decideunder the terms of issue, and will otherwise be non-cumulative. Each preference share confers on its holder the right in a winding up and on redemptionto payment in priority to the ordinary shares of:
the amount of any dividend accrued but unpaid on the share at the date ofwinding up or the date of redemption; and any additional amount specified in the terms of issue.
To the extent the directors may decide under the terms of issue, a preference share mayconfer a right to a bonus issue or capitalisation of profits in favour of holders of thoseshares only. A preference share does not confer on its holder any right to participate in the profits orproperty of the company except as set out above. A preference share does not entitle its holder to vote at any general meeting of thecompany except in the following circumstances: on any of the proposals specified in rule 2.2(i); on a resolution to approve the terms of a buy back agreement; during a period in which a dividend or part of a dividend on the share is inarrears; during the winding up of the company; or(5) in any other circumstances in which the Listing Rules require holders ofpreference shares to be entitled to vote.(i) The proposals referred to in rule 2.2 are proposals: to reduce the share capital of the company; that affect rights attached to the share; to wind up the company; or for the disposal of the whole of the property, business and undertaking of thecompany.该公司的股本减少,影响股份所附权利;公司清盘或出售的财产都是整个公司承诺需要承担的部分。
The holder of a preference share who is entitled to vote in respect of that share underrule 2.2 is, on a poll, entitled to the greater of one vote per share or such other numberof votes specified in, or determined in accordance with, the terms of issue for the share. In the case of a redeemable preference share, the company must, at the time and placefor redemption specified in, or determined in accordance with, the terms of issue for theshare, redeem the share and, on receiving a redemption request under the terms ofissue, pay to or at the direction of the holder the amount payable on redemption of theshare.(l) A holder of a preference share must not transfer or purport to transfer, and the directors,to the extent permitted by the Listing Rules, must not register a transfer of, the share ifthe transfer would contravene any restrictions on the right to transfer the share set out inthe terms of issue for the share.优先份额持有人不得转让或声称转让股权,以及本公司董事,根据上市规则允许的范围内,不得转让办理登记手续,股权转让会违反公司所有人的权利。