1.1. Problem statement 问题陈述
The problem statement is defined as:
“The lack of sufficient organisational support for an integrated talent management ‘framework’ to attract and acquire, develop, and optimise and retain talent.”
Talent management has a negative impact on the organisation if not managed effectively. The following consequences can emerge where there is an in-effective management of talent. In-effective management of talent can result in giving rise to the followings problems in an organisation:
Poor succession planning: - such can cause an organisation to suffer in terms of business continuity.
High financial cost: - due to talent departure which can have both direct and indirect costs.
Impact organisation sustainability: - such happens in organisations where critical skills are essential for success of the organisation.
Increased litigations: - organisations can spend significant amounts of time and resources addressing the issues of disgruntled employees.
Productivity losses and workflow interruptions: - contributing to financial losses.
Service quality: - this can impact CRM and customer service levels.
Loss of expertise: - knowledge gets lost in the industries or organisations which may take time to replace.
Loss of business opportunities: - poor management of talent can compromise competitive advantage.
Disruption of social and communication network: - poor management of talent can disrupt teamwork and productive patterns.
Morale of employees: - the disruptive nature of poor management of talent can affect morale of employees who are overwhelmed by workload and instability in the workplace.
Brand Image of the organisation: - poor management of talent creates a negative image of the organisation.
These factors can all have negative consequences which affect an organisations performance in maintaining a market leadership position, stakeholder support and market share.#p#分页标题#e#
1.2. Investigative questions 调查性问题
The investigative questions to be answered by the study in mitigation of the problem statement are to establish whether the new integrated talent management ‘framework’ being implemented in Company X is delivering the value-add which the organisation is aiming to achieve.
What is the role and support of top management in its leadership to ensure the effective implementation of the integrated talent management ‘framework’ in ensuring supportive buy-in within the organisation?
How successful is the current integrated talent management ‘framework’ is in building the organisations ‘talent-pipeline’ to ensure essential critical skills which are required for sustainable competitive advantage of the organisation in the short, medium and long-term?
Are the criteria used to populate the current integrated talent management ‘framework’ perceived to be fair, effective and ensuring that competent performer are actually positioned into the right job.
1.3. Objective of the study 研究目的
The objective of the study is to answer the investigative questions in mitigation of the research problem and make recommendations for improvement to the talent integrated management ‘framework’.
1.4. Research assumptions 研究假设
The following research assumptions are been made:
That the research sample will be large enough to ensure that analysed results will not be skewed.
That the respondents of the survey sample will answer the survey questions honestly.
That all respondents receiving the survey questionnaire will clearly understand the questions to be answered, and
That the survey will have full management support.
1.5. Abbreviated literature review 简短的文献综述
The literature review presented in chapter two of this research study has been aligned to the investigative questions that have to be answered by this investigation in mitigation of answering the research problem. The areas to be covered are the following:
The role and support of top management in its ‘leadership’ to ensure the effective implementation of an integrated talent management ‘framework’ in ensuring supportive buy-in within an organisation. The areas covered are organisational strategy (organisational design-branding, strategic workforce planning) for attracting talent; leadership philosophy, leadership commitment, succession planning (leadership pipeline) and transformational change management a new or modified organisational culture (shaping the future).
Talent management is a myth until one have a talent profile (talent is a conscious process where one has to be given a feedback about his or her competencies) within organisations; The areas covered are a variety of assessment tools to get at cognitive and conative employee talent, and the importance of emotional intelligence skills essential for team leadership and management.#p#分页标题#e#
Building the organisations ‘talent-pipeline’ to ensure essential critical skills which are required for sustainable competitive advantage of the organisation in the short, medium and long-term; an integrated talent management framework is required, this is achieved by looking at an integrated talent management practices through job profiling, attract & acquire talent, talent matching, develop talent, optimise talent, reward and retention talent.
The researcher also looked at an integrated talent management framework models used in today’s business operations.
The literature review forms the foundation for constructing the survey questions to be used for data gathering which is discussed in chapter three - the research design and methodology.
1.6. The research methodology and data capturing design 研究方法与资料撷取设计
The researcher adopted the case study method approach by targeting one organisation in which the investigation is conducted which focuses on how well the existing integrated talent management ‘framework’ in operation is functioning. According to Yin (1994: 1), case study research can be used in a variety of situations, amongst other: organisational and management studies, research into the social sciences, the academic disciplines including professional fields such as business administration, management sciences, and social work. According to Collis and Hussey (2009: 82), case studies are often referred “to as exploratory research, or an area where there is a deficient body of knowledge”. The researchers list four case study approaches, namely:
Descriptive case study: Where the objective is restricted to describing current practice within an organisation;
Illustrative case study: The research findings attempt to illustrate new and possibly innovative practices adopted by a particular organisation.
Experimental case study: Where the researcher examines difficulties and implementing new procedures and techniques in an organisation and attempt to evaluate the benefits;
Explanatory case study: Where existing theory is used to understand and explain what is currently happening within the organisation.
The case study method used for the research design made use of a combination of the descriptive (where the objective is restricted to describe current practices) and explanatory case study methods (where existing theory is used to understand and explain what is happening).
For data capturing the researcher has made use of a special design survey questionnaire. This will be discussed in greater detail in chapter three, which constitute research methodology and data capturing design.
The researcher had available over twenty seven thousand (20,000) employees who make up the population of organisation used in Company X spread throughout South Africa. The sample frame comprise of senior managers, and middle and junior managers. A sample of 150 managers was drawn from Company X representing senior, middle and junior managers. The sample size of the number of people targeted to complete the survey instrument, the researcher made use of ‘non-probability sampling’ using the ‘convenience’ sampling method.#p#分页标题#e#
1.7. Research constraints 研究的限制
Collis and Hussey (2009: 124-125), refer to research constraints as comprising of both ‘limitations’ and ‘delimitations’. Limitations identify weaknesses in the research and this is elaborated upon at the end of the study at chapter five. Delimitations explain how the scope of the study was focused on one particular entity. This particular research was undertaken in a financial institution (to protect its name it will be referred to as Company X).
1.8. Summary 总结
This chapter covered the motivation and background to the study, followed by the problem statement to be answered by the investigation, the investigative questions to be answered in mitigation of the problem statement, the objective of the study, the research assumptions, abbreviated literature review and research design.
The next chapter provides an appropriate literature study aligned to the investigative questions which have to be answered by this investigation. This is followed by chapter three which covers the research methodology and data analysis design. Chapter four covers the data analysis and interpretation of the captured results. The final chapter five provides an integrative overview of the entire research study with summary conclusions and recommendations, the limitations of the study and the contribution that this study made to the scientific body of knowledge in the field of talent management as well as suggestions for further research.