Choosing a Suitable Topic for the Project
In addition to the guidance you receive during your Research Methods courses, you will be asked to compose a research proposal of 1,500 words.
Although not formally assessed, it will be reviewed by your allocated supervisor and form the basis of your early supervision meetings. You may incorporate into the proposal elements of coursework you have previously submitted for research methods units. However, we encourage you to develop your ideas where appropriate to ensure your proposal is aligned with your chosen dissertation topic.
Your proposal should be submitted to the School of Management (the Reception or the Programme Support Office (Postgraduate Office) by 14.00 on 1st March 2010. You will also be sent instructions by you Programme Administrator on how to submit the proposal electronically to Jisc-TurnitinUk nearer the time. You must keep a hard copy of all your coursework.
Please note, your supervisor may wish you to revise your proposal and you will not be permitted to progress to the dissertation until your supervisor has approved your work.
Allocation of Dissertation Supervisors
To assist you with your research project over the summer months, a member of the academic staff will be allocated to you as a supervisor.
To ensure we achieve as close a match as possible between your proposed topic and the research interests of individual academic staff we shall be inviting you to access and choose from a list of potential supervisors on your particular programme of study. The on-line list will be accessed through the Moodle Dissertation page for your Programme, and we expect this to be ready for you to make your choices during February.
I should stress that the supervisor allocation program will not permit you to allocate your own supervisor – this is ultimately an academic decision - but it will invite you to state a preference.
我要强调,导师分配方案不允许你分配你自己的导师 - 这是最终的学术决定 - 但它会邀请你表示一个优先权。
Once the list is available, you will have approximately two to three weeks to make your choices (and can update as many times as you wish within that period). It is important that you keep a print of your final choices for your own records. We shall require a further week to process the data. You will then be advised of your allocated supervisor so that you can make initial contact and discuss your dissertation ideas before the end of the Spring term.
Each student should refine his or her project topic in consultation with the personal dissertation supervisor. Note that the choice of a topic can be crucial to the success of a dissertation and warrants the expenditure of both time and energy. The key point is that the project must focus on a topic that is closely related to your Master’s degree programme; if in doubt, consult a member of teaching staff for your programme as early as possible).
If you have thought about the matter a great deal, but still cannot find a topic, try brainstorming. Remember the rules of brainstorming: capture and list on paper or on a board every idea (however silly, odd or way out) that comes to you. Do not stop to dissect or analyse your thoughts at this stage. When you have run out of ideas, read the list through; more ideas are likely to emerge. When you can think of no more ideas, go through the list grouping the thoughts together and testing them against the criteria outlined below.
Broadly, there are three criteria against which you should test your ideas for a topic:
a) Is it a substantial problem or opportunity?
b) Is it realistic given the time and resources available?
c) Is it intellectually challenging?
The project should have both theoretical and practical elements; a project weighed too heavily on either side is inappropriate. Your project must be framed in such a way that you can cover it adequately in the time available and report on it fully within the word limit imposed. Most projects err initially on the side of being far too expansive. One of the first tasks your supervisor will usually set is to ask you to define your topic more tightly and precisely. This must be done at the beginning of the project if you are going to use your time effectively.
Research on previously unexplored areas can be exciting. However, one reason why a topic has been left untouched may be that the data simply do not exist to undertake any significant research. In certain cases you may, in a small way, be able to fill such a gap. Nevertheless, there are considerable advantages in selecting a topic on which there is plenty of information available.
Note that although copious information may exist about a topic, this information may not be accessible: access may be too costly, or it may be restricted. For instance, if your project depends on information only available within a particular company, you need the permission of that organisation to access and use this information. Before you proceed with a project, check that you can obtain the information you need.
In order to undertake some projects you may need to have particular areas of knowledge and skill. For example, you may need advanced statistical skills or knowledge of decision theory to complete a particular project. Check that you have such knowledge and skills, or the time and ability to acquire them, before commencing your research.
During your Master’s degree studies you will have had many demands on your time and learned how to manage them. Occasionally your dissertation/project will seem burdensome and you may also be bored with it, and it is then that those time management skills will be most needed. When your commitment to the research project is tested in this manner, what will help you proceed (apart from determination) is your interest in the topic; therefore, a topic should inspire enthusiasm and be motivating when you choose it.#p#分页标题#e#
Here are some reasons for NOT choosing a topic:
a) ‘Because I can't think of anything else.’
b) ‘Because my company told me to do it.’
c) ‘Because it looks easy.’
d) ‘Because I've undertaken a similar project previously.’
e) ‘Because I left it too late to do anything else!’
Finally, here is a helpful checklist for the selection of a research project/dissertation topic:
a) Is this a topic closely related to my Master’s programme and with an academic orientation?
b) Does it have both empirical and theoretical elements?
c) Is it the right size – neither too broad nor too narrow?
为正确的大小 - 既不太宽,也不太窄?
d) Is there enough information available?
e) Can I get ac cess to that information?
f) Do I have the necessary knowledge and skills?
g) Is the topic sufficiently interesting to motivate me?
You should be able to answer “yes” to each question. If not, go back and think again about that aspect of the project.
The dissertation topic will finally be approved by your supervisor.
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