dissertation Research Methodologies
07-02, 2015
Research Methodologies
4.1 Introduction
The current market situation is volatile and ever changing .The current market demands date information about customers, competitors, dealers, suppliers and other external factors play a vital role in the company are relevant for the day by day activities of the company and require proper control for the well being of the company. For planning, decision making, and implementation of the plans managers need information which they collect through methods, such as being with the customers and observing them and also interacting with them directly. Income of an individual is the most powerful factor for a company .As income grows consumers become more powerful and selective in certain things .The organisation need better information about those customers who are selective in order to achieve competitive advantage.
This chapter explains the various research methods that have been undertaken in order to satisfy the objectives of the research. The chapter provides an overview of different research philosophies and designs its purpose, primary and secondary data and the methods of collecting that data. Justification is also given to the data collection for the purpose of this research work.
4.2 Quantitative Research
This research approach transforms observations, reports and recordings into numerical data and quantifiable numbers. Later the data can be analysed for making comparisons and correlations to get the results. When it comes into statistics it tends to be easier to control if we have large numbers. So the quantitative research comprises large scale research containing large numbers and quantities and its analysis to relate various factors each other (Bergstr?m & Sk?rfstad. 2004). Quantitative research is used to measure how many people feel, think or act in a particular way. These surveys tend to include large samples - anything from 50 to any number of interviews. Structured questionnaires are usually used incorporating mainly closed questions - questions with set responses. There are various customs used for collecting quantitative information but the most common are on-street or telephone interviews. In this research quantitative method has been used in order to collect the data.
4.3 Qualitative Research
This approach concentrates on words as the main mode of analysis, and it tends to distinguish things “in context” and explain how things are linked together. This shows the increased involvement of the researcher in qualitative approach. (Denscombe,1998) The qualitative approach is often referred to analysis, aimed to receive detailed information for the current and future use. (Yin, 2003). Focus groups, in-depth interviews, content analysis, ethnography, evaluationand semiotics are among the many formal approaches that are used, but qualitative research also involves the analysis of any unstructured material, including customer feedback forms, reports or media clips.#p#分页标题#e#
4.4 Research Activities
The main objective of this research is to analyse the HRM strategies of the Marriott to find out whether the reward management policies plays a vital role in the employees behaviour toward the organisation. This research also proposes an appropriate measure for effective reward schemes for management of employees to satisfy their perspective of reward. This analysis is focused on Marriott International in UK. The relationship with long-term associates will increase the quality and productivity and will create good impression for the consumers. To satisfy the objectives questionnaire method has been adopted followed by analysis of current as well as previous employee reward schemes.#p#分页标题#e#
4.5 Data collection Methods
4.5.1 Primary Data:
This method is used when enough material for research purpose is readily available to gather information about relevant factors. This methods are mainly used through one to one interactions such as interview, surveys , filling up with questionnaires with the employees , higher officials of the organisation. In this research questionnaire method has been adopted for collecting information. It seems to be the most appropriate method to collect information as in this research it plays a vital role to know different employees mentality towards reward which they achieve.
Questionnaire: This is an interpretative short summary method used to gather relevant information easily and effectively. The most care should be given in the preparation of appropriate and effective questions with full continuity for the required information.
4.5.2 Secondary Data:
The first step in the research methodology was conducting the secondary research which refers to all the materials which has been used for some other purpose other than the current research .This data has been used as a background for the current investigation and was reviewing on a continuous basis. This information has been acted as a guideline during the remaining part of the research. This information was obtained from sources like journals, web pages, books, media publications as given below
Journals: Various databases such as Pro Quest, Digital library and Emerald were amongst the major sources that provided the materials which have been used as a secondary research. Most journals provided different views on certain issues and can be considered as a reliable source of information only to a limited extent .There were several disadvantages as the resources for the core matter was not available in the majority of them. Many of them just outlined issues of impact of HRM strategies to manage the employees and have not provided any relevant or detailed information about the issues.
Web pages: Without a doubt World Wide Web is a easy source to gather secondary information. Internet search engines as www.google.co.uk, www.dogpile.com and www.marriott.com was very useful in gathering information.#p#分页标题#e#
Books: Books always plays a vital role in collecting the secondary data. College library and British library was used to search for the secondary data which was relevant for the research.
Media publication: In addition to journals, web pages and books news paper articles helped through out the research to collect information from relevant authorities.
Secondary data limitations:
There was very little information that is relevant for the area for research. For some specific reasons secondary research data can be relied only to a certain extent.
Secondary data can be gathered quickly, but may involve serious drawbacks in terms of its relevance, accuracy and sufficiency. Even when secondary data is relevant and accurate it still may
not be sufficient to meet all the information requirements for the research