HRM Essay代写范例-人力资源和人事管理。本文是一篇由本站代写服务提供的HRM essay代写参考,主要内容是讲述人力资源管理的软模式和硬模式在基本概念上存在着矛盾性差异;然而,提出将这两种方法整合为一种人力资源管理理论。概述人事与人力资源管理之间的异同,可以使所讨论的理论和哲学达到一个可理解的结局。下面就一起来看一下这篇留学生essay代写范例。
Henry Ford’s assembly lines and Frederick Taylor’s time and method studies saw workers as another tool like machines. They sought to improve worker productivity by designing the way work is carried out. The problem with this approach is that humans are not machines, but individuals with personal goals and needs. Treating them like machines invariably leads to resistance and conflicts’.
“Take our 20 best people away, and I will tell you that Microsoft would become an unimportant company”
Human Resource Management (HRM) and/or Personnel Management (PM) has become a very vital part of the management process in the twenty-first century, compared to the past, it is drawing considerable attention in managerial debates and strategic planning of organizations. According to Storey (1995), ‘human resource management (HRM) has been and remains highly controversial’ (p.4), a position that Keenoy (1999) has approved it while defining the contemporary situation of Human Resource Management. The HRM has emerged its significance by relying on key terms such as leadership vs. management, training and development, empowerment, flat organizational structure, motivational systems, teamwork etc. For many, they are nothing but a nice expression, but in the dog-eat-dog market they seem to play a vital role, winning competitive advantage for industry players (Wright et al, 1992). Seemingly, the variety of different understandings of key differences between HRM and PM, if any at all, exists among professional managers. Some people believe it is the same old wine in a new bottle holding a fancy label; it is just a contemporary word.
Some experts state that there is no difference between HRM and personnel management. They declare that the two terms can be used interchangeably. They assert that the only evident change is merely condensed into the “re-labelling process” (Legge, 1989). Another advocator of the “change of label” philosophy was Torrington (1989), not to forget about the fact that there was and there is no valid statement defining to what extent PM and HRM differ. However, Sisson (1990) believed that the fancy name of HRM may at least release personnel management from its welfare hindering intension and thus far, assist the weak function of personnel management. In response to that, Armstrong (1987) and Guest (1989) ascertain that a new bottle for the old wine at least serves the marketing purposes appropriately. Furthermore, HRM has worthy contributions to people, recognizing them as core competencies of an organization buying attention and trust for traditional personnel management. (Armstrong 1987).there is no doubt that the story of HRM stems from the traditional PM, however it is yet to be proven whether it is a profound concept or just a ornamental label decorating the rusty structure of PM.
一些专家指出,人力资源管理和人事管理之间没有区别。他们声明这两个术语可以互换使用。他们断言,唯一明显的变化只是浓缩到“重新贴标签的过程”中(Legge,1989)。“标签变化”哲学的另一个倡导者是Torrington(1989),不要忘记一个事实,即过去和现在都没有有效的声明来定义PM和HRM的不同程度。然而,Sisson(1990)认为,人力资源管理的花哨名称至少可以将人事管理从其阻碍福利的内涵中释放出来,从而有助于人事管理功能的弱化。对此,Armstrong(1987)和Guest(1989)确定,一瓶新的老酒至少可以适当地用于营销目的。此外,人力资源管理对员工做出了有价值的贡献,承认他们是组织的核心能力,为传统人事管理赢得了关注和信任。(Armstrong 1987)。毫无疑问,人力资源管理的故事源于传统的PM,但它是一个深刻的概念,还是仅仅是装饰PM锈迹斑斑的结构的装饰性标签,还有待证明。
In this essay, to address the question: “To what extent, if at all, is HRM a “new” or different from personnel management or other forms of managing the employment relationship?”, the transformational development of HRM will be explained in order to identify and compare various models of HRM from inception, and to discuss the extent of differentiation, regarding the theoretical and practical perspectives, similarities and differences between PM and HRM are outlined, but previous to drawing them, soft and the hard models of HRM will be prefaced. Ultimately, a brief conclusion would summarize the discussion clarifying whether or not HRM is the story of old wine in new bottles.
With the purpose of explaining and comprehending the term Human Resource Management and how possibly it differs from PM, it is important to trace its origins back in history. The roots of managing people can be found in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, during the Industrial Revolution (Bratton & Gold, 2007), when improvement of working conditions was a common mood of the society, early attempts to welfare policies commenced by labor unions, and it has been known as the movement toward industrial betterments. Torrington et al. (1991) say that the primary responsibilities of the pioneer labor welfare societies were mostly regarding ‘distributing bonuses to the worthy and helpless workers’ (Torrington et al., 1993:3). The same concept of industrial relations was about to take a modern shape. ‘The term industrial relations generally depict the schematic connection of managers and worker associations and related institutional agreements’ (Tyson 2006).
为了解释和理解人力资源管理一词,以及它与PM的区别,追溯其历史渊源是很重要的。管理人员的根源可以在18世纪末和19世纪初的工业革命期间找到(Bratton&Gold,2007),当时改善工作条件是社会的普遍情绪,工会开始的福利政策的早期尝试,它被称为工业改良运动。Torrington等人(1991)表示,先锋劳工福利协会的主要职责主要是“向有价值和无助的工人分配奖金”(Torringtton等人,1993:3)。同样的劳资关系概念也即将形成现代形态劳资关系一词通常描述了管理者和工人协会以及相关制度协议之间的示意性联系(Tyson 2006)。
‘World War II was the kick start of extended PM professions in war factories mostly in terms of personnel viewpoints, and for trembling organizations that were struggling in the red ocean of intense competition; it appeared in terms of unionizations. It was providing assistance to organizations in negotiations and other institutional consultations as such’ (Bratton & Gold 1999 2003)
After World War II, personnel management emerged in efficiency of the entire company, the focal point of it, from dealing with workers has been redirected to employers’ (Tyson and York 2000). . To define PM, it refers to managing human resource with organizations, which includes recruitment and selection, training and employee development, appraisal and reward, discipline and dismissal (Heery & Noon, 2001) .Keenoy (1990) observed PM in a state of blurriness since it was striving for allocating a state of stability and equilibrium between organisational demands and employee demands. Therefore, the strategic HRM was turning toward running away from this vagueness, by stating that proliferation of employee satisfaction and loyalty would highly serve organizational goals.
In the late 1980s the term Human resource management emerged in Britain. As Torrington et al. (1991) says there is a “change of emphasis and attitude” into it. In better words, According to Mackay and Torrington (1986), HRM is “directed mainly towards management needs for human resources (not only employees) to be provided and deployed. It stresses on monitoring and control along with proper planning rather than on problem-solving and mediation. It is totally identified with management interests and is relatively distant from the workforce as a whole.”
Subsequent to sketching a brief background of managing people in organizations and the process of emerging various models and definitions, the controversial topic of PM vs. HRM has become the focal point of discussions among HR academics.A number of them, Legge(1989) for instance, advocate the view of “not many” differences between the two approaches, though the divergence of various aspects under this topic is inevitable.
Torrington (1989) regards personnel management as a consistent procedure of upfolding and development, through which more expertise are requested. ‘In the frame of this developmental procedure, HRM is rasping another facet for the traditional PM’ (Torrington, 1989, cited by Armstrong, 2000), and is not at all a disruptive or radical concept.
From another point of view, HRM is referred to as a ‘thoroughly different approach to people management in the workplace’ (Storey 1989: 4). According to this viewpoint, ‘HRM presents an entirely different framework of PM, thus it is considered to be a divergence from traditional personnel management’ (Storey 1989)
从另一个角度来看,人力资源管理被称为“工作场所人事管理的一种完全不同的方法”(Storey 1989:4)。根据这一观点,“人力资源管理提出了一个完全不同的PM框架,因此它被认为是与传统人事管理的分歧”(Storey 1989)
An outstanding aspect of HRM, which is its strategic integration, draws a line of distinction between HRM and PM (Beardwell and Holden, 2001). ‘The vertical integration is aimed to achieve a close relationship between business strategy and people management strategy at the same time horizontal integration is aimed to ensure that personnel and development activities are mutually reinforcing, in other words, the pursuit of a business focus to people management which creates and sustains competitive advantage’ (Pilbeam and Corbridge, 2002).
Traditional personnel management view workers as robots, but HRM sees employees as human beings, as crucial business assets. By predicting aptitude gaps and needs, planning for motivational and promotional structures, and get a productive team by teaming up the employees, HRM strives for merging workforce and organizational objectives.
As the concept of HRM annex value and integration to the concept of PM, it is not of a same kind but is composed of various philosophies and theories, for the sake of a better understanding, the two main spectrum of HRM, ‘soft’ and ‘hard’, will be further elaborated.
‘SOFT’ AND ‘HARD’ MODELS OF HRM 人力资源管理的软模型和硬模型
‘On one side of the coin, there is the claim of the strong marching on of HRM’ (Storey 1995; Walton 1985) as well as the attractive idea of soft Human Resource Management (for example, people is the source of change; your labor is your asset; workforce are the source of sustainable competitive advantage or edge.) (Sisson & Storey 2000) ‘The other side of spectrum is the concept of Hard model, the slow diffusion of ‘soft’ HRM practices’ as Legge 2005 and Storey & Sisson (1990, 2000) suggested, ‘and the greater stress would be on the focus point of fundamental value of the business’ (Keenoy 1990; Legge 1995), ‘and likewise the improper execution of strategic HRM’ (Keenoy 1999).
“硬币的一面是人力资源管理的有力推进”(Storey 1995;Walton 1985),以及软人力资源管理(例如,人是变革的源泉;你的劳动力是你的资产;劳动力是可持续竞争优势或优势的来源)的诱人理念(Sisson&Storey 2000)“光谱的另一面是硬模式的概念,如Legge 2005和Storey&Sisson(19902000)所建议的“软”人力资源管理实践的缓慢扩散”,“更大的压力将集中在业务的基本价值的焦点上”(Keenoy 1990;Legge 1995),“以及战略人力资源管理的不当执行”(Keenoy 1999)。
Truss (1999) states that ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ models of HRM are “diametrically opposed along a number of dimensions.” At the same time other authors, like Armstrong (2000), claims that there no clear cut difference between the two approaches. This seems to be true for at least some theoretical dimensions such as strategic integration. In ‘hard’ HRM models people are regarded as human capital in which the organisation invests, and from which the organisation expects return on its investment to achieve competitive advantage. Employees are seen as a resource to be utilized and, perhaps, as a cost to be minimised. ‘Hard’ models are strongly focused on the strategic integration of HRM with business goals (Legge 1995). Therefore, people are strictly directed and controlled through quantitative performance management and HR databases. Whereas ‘soft’ models emphasise the strategic and quantifying management aspect of HRM, ‘soft’ models stress the human resource aspect (Legge 1989: 26, Guest 1989), to recap, Truss (1999) states, in ‘hard’ models the term ‘resource’ is underlined, while in ‘soft’ models it is the term ‘human’.
特拉斯(1999)指出,人力资源管理的“软”和“硬”模型“在许多维度上是完全对立的”与此同时,其他作者,如Armstrong(2000),声称这两种方法之间没有明显的区别。这似乎至少在一些理论层面上是正确的,比如战略一体化。在“硬”人力资源管理模式中,人被视为组织投资的人力资本,组织期望从中获得投资回报以获得竞争优势。员工被视为一种需要利用的资源,也许也是一种需要最小化的成本。”“硬”模式主要侧重于人力资源管理与业务目标的战略整合(Legge 1995)。因此,通过量化绩效管理和人力资源数据库,对人员进行严格的指导和控制。“软”模型强调人力资源管理的战略和量化管理方面,而“软”模式强调人力资源方面(Legge 1989:26,Guest 1989),回顾一下,特拉斯(1999)指出,在“硬”模型中强调“资源”一词,而在“软”模块中强调“人”一词。
In ‘soft’ HRM employees are “valued assets” and a “source of competitive advantage.” (Legge 1995) They are regarded as capable and worthy of development, and experience considerable job autonomy and a high level of trust from management (Truss 1999).
在“软”人力资源管理中,员工是“有价值的资产”和“竞争优势的来源”(Legge 1995)他们被认为有能力和值得发展,并经历了相当大的工作自主权和管理层的高度信任(特拉斯1999)。
Organisational culture and its promotion by management is highlighted. Direct and individual communication, employee involvement, motivation, and identification with missions and goals are regarded as crucial for organisational success. The commitment of employees is strongly desired as a precondition for increased effort and performance. At the same time, commitment is expected to facilitate self-regulated behaviour and, thus replace direct forms of supervision, pressure and control as they are typical for ‘hard’ HRM models and conventional personnel management (Truss 1999; Guest 1991).
Soft and hard model of HRM are contradictorily different in terms of basic concepts; however Guest (1989) proposed the integration of the two approaches into one theory of HRM. Outlining the similarities and differences between personnel and HRM may draw the discussed theories and philosophies into a comprehensible close.
5.1. Similarities 相似之处
Analysing and comparing definitions of both personnel and HR management, Legge (1989) finds that “there are clear similarities between the two.” In both models the strategies for managing personnel are derived from the business strategy and integrated with organisational goals. Especially Guest (1989) believes that the strategic orientation of ‘hard’ HRM models reconfirms the concept of personnel management, therefore, according to Guest (1989) there is no, or marginal differences between HRM and PM.
To name one similarity, Armstrong (2001) sees similar approaches in HRM and PM regarding Recruitment and Selection activities, Compensation programs and performance management.
A further similarity between personnel and HR management found by Legge (1989) is that in both concepts the management and development of personnel acquire professional expertise and lies under the responsibility of management team. Despite of tremendous similarities, still many points of difference exists in the eyes of other HR professionals.
5.2. Differences 差异
The outstanding strategic character of HRM is claimed to be one of the differences in emphasis between personnel and HR management. The formulation of HRM policies should explicitly take place at a strategic level within the organisation (Storey 1989). In better words, HRM needs to be implemented by senior managers, due to its heavy strategic nature, while conventional personnel management has always been known as a source of extra cost for many companies rather than being a source of competitive advantage. Based on Torrington (1989), this is aligned with strategic and “demand -driven” approach of hard HRM, which -again- focuses on organisational needs and bottom line.
人力资源管理突出的战略特征被认为是人事与人力资源管理在侧重点上的差异之一。人力资源管理政策的制定应明确在组织内部的战略层面进行(Storey 1989)。换言之,由于人力资源管理具有重大的战略性质,它需要由高级管理人员实施,而传统的人事管理一直被认为是许多公司额外成本的来源,而不是竞争优势的来源。基于Torrington(1989),这与硬人力资源管理的战略和“需求驱动”方法相一致,后者再次关注组织需求和底线。
A crucial requirement of soft HRM approach is the creation of organisational culture and values. The culture should be designed for gaining the employees’ commitment. Commitment is a prominent goal of HRM, as it is seen as a crucial precondition for high performance (Guest 1989). Besides high trust and commitment, another part of organisational culture as promoted by HRM is a more direct form of communication. HRM advocates a turn from collectivism to individualism (Sisson 1990). It neglects collective bargaining and unions, and promotes individual relations with direct forms of communication between management and employees (Storey 1989; Keenoy 1990). Storey and Sisson, along with Guest (1989) discuss that “employee relations” are persistently taking over “industrial relations”.
软性人力资源管理方法的一个关键要求是创造组织文化和价值观。文化的设计应能获得员工的承诺。承诺是人力资源管理的一个突出目标,因为它被视为高绩效的关键先决条件(Guest 1989)。除了高度的信任和承诺,人力资源管理促进的组织文化的另一部分是更直接的沟通形式。人力资源管理倡导从集体主义转向个人主义(Sisson 1990)。它忽视了集体谈判和工会,并通过管理层和员工之间的直接沟通形式促进了个人关系(Storey 1989;Keenoy 1990)。Storey和Sisson以及Guest(1989)讨论了“员工关系”正在持续取代“劳资关系”。
While personnel management often finds itself in an intermediate position between organisational demands and individual needs, soft HRM models maintain a coinciding relationship of organisational and individual interests. HRM policies and practices that are desirable for the employee are also beneficial to the achievement of organisational goals. Consequently, training and other means of development gain more importance and managerial attention than in personnel management (Torrington 1989). At the same time, soft HRM models grant more autonomy and self-responsibility to individuals (Torrington 1989), because a higher degree of autonomy is regarded as prerequisite for the organisation’s adaptability to change, i.e., the organisation’s flexibility (Guest 1989).Over all, the table below summarize the comparisons between the HRM and PM in various dimensions. [Appendix A]
虽然人事管理往往处于组织需求和个人需求之间的中间位置,但软人力资源管理模式保持着组织和个人利益的一致关系。员工所期望的人力资源管理政策和实践也有利于实现组织目标。因此,与人事管理相比,培训和其他发展手段获得了更多的重视和管理关注(Torrington 1989)。与此同时,软人力资源管理模式赋予个人更多的自主权和自我责任(Torrington 1989),因为更高程度的自主权被视为组织适应变化的先决条件,即组织的灵活性(Guest 1989)。总之,下表总结了人力资源管理和项目管理在各个方面的比较。【附录A】
Sisson (2001) and Hoque and Noon (2001) studied the practical implementation of HRM. Sisson as well as Hoque and Noon discovered that HR managers are more involved with strategic management procedures and the formulation of strategic business plans than personnel managers. In addition to that, evidence suggests that wider devolution of authority has occurred in workplaces with an HR specialist, as opposed to a personnel specialist. (Hoque and Noon 2001). All in all, Sisson’s conclusion is clear: although there are some rays of hope like the development of strategic competence, the impact of HRM on the personnel function has only been partial (2001). Hoque and Noon (2001) are a little more optimistic and stress the difference that HRM makes. They propose not to “use the HR and personnel labels as synonyms (or interchangeable terms-as mentioned in the introduction) because empirically they represent specialists who are operating in distinct ways”.
Sisson(2001)和Hoque and Noon(2001)研究了人力资源管理的实际实施。Sisson、Hoque和Noon发现,人力资源经理比人事经理更参与战略管理程序和战略商业计划的制定。除此之外,有证据表明,与人事专家相比,人力资源专家在工作场所进行了更广泛的权力下放。(Hoque和Noon,2001年)。总之,Sisson的结论是明确的:尽管有一些希望的曙光,比如战略能力的发展,但人力资源管理对人事职能的影响只是部分的(2001)。Hoque和Noon(2001)更为乐观,并强调了人力资源管理所带来的差异。他们建议不要“将人力资源和人事标签用作同义词(或引言中提到的可互换术语),因为从经验上讲,它们代表了以不同方式运作的专家”。
Whichever perspectives, HRM or PM, do managers deal with more beneficially? Mostly the differences are not clear: labels and terms, do not give us any hints. It has become evident that in many companies, both concepts of HRM and PM are followed concurrently.
HRM encompass two different models, soft and hard. The hard approach stresses and treats people as resources and core competencies of a company while in soft approach, the humanistic side of HR is highlighted and the role of training and development, commitment and communication, culture and etc. comes to play. In theory, HRM shares many similarities with PM, interestingly enough, in practice; it is still not easy to point the differences, thus, it can be stated that it is a subjective topic and there is no clear cut answer to the question of ” to what extent, HRM differs from PM?”
The adaptation of HRM or PM differs from one company to another, depending on the managers understanding and organizational needs. The case in point is that the strategies must be adopted upon own organizational aims, thus as time marches on, it varies from company to company, and the patterns should differ. Defining the roles would be relatively different, addressing the requirements. Industrial Relation Management is still the best option for some; subsequently there would be no clear-cut line between HRM and PM in such companies. In spite of that, there are companies being active in the fields of labor advancements, cultural developments, motivational factors, etc., hence, rather than the traditional PM, they can claim for being HRM based.
Managing people is always dynamic, demanding consistent change in managing styles, theories and practices, and will continue in future to demand the changing management style, philosophy, actions and answers, that best address the solutions for ever challenging career of organizations.
One thing is sure; this function is certainly no old wine in a new bottle – whether one calls it Personnel, or Human Resource Management!
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