小编选取了世界知名的英国利兹大学商学院面向大二学生公布的有关business entity的范例essay中分别获得90和65分的两篇文章,来向大家进行细致的讲解。为表区分,65分的essay使用文字表示在前,90分的essay使用图片表示在后。
Three successful, celebrated football players who are going to retire planned to start their own business related to health and fitness. The three of them, Simon, Peter and Will, are also good friends but with none business experience. With cursory plans, they would use some professional support on the problem of franchising, legal structure and market segmentation.
首先,非常明显的,65分的dissertation在开头除了做到了最基础的开门见山以及遵守background加thesis statement加essay structure的基础格式以外,并没有什么亮点。而获得90分的dissertation在此基础上特别注意了in-text reference的使用,并且特别关注了对dissertation题目所提供的材料进行特定延伸,这时绝大部分学生做不到的。
Introduction是一篇essay的开头,在某种程度上决定了考官阅读本篇文章接下来内容的认真程度。灵活使用in-text reference加上在开头就扩展材料,等于是非常直白的向阅卷老师说明,我这篇文章接下来的展开将会非常有思维深度,并且经过了非常细致的调查。做好这两点,帮助你在一开始,就脱颖而出。
第二块,body paragraph:
From this chart above, it’s apparent that the market leaders in the British health industry have one thing in common: fixed marketing targets. No matter whether it’s crossed, they are targeting a typical kind of consumers, forming most appropriate marketing mix through differentiated marketing(Christina, 2019).
值得一提的是,有时essay中并不是一定需要插入图片的,当你使用某个经济学原理,比如说positive or negative externalities时,使用图片会更好的说明该经济学原理在该情况下如何适用时,才需要使用图表进行辅助。否则,使用不当的话,很可能像65分的文章一样,适得其反。
In sum, the business suggestions for this proposed business, a health club are: start their own business without franchise, pick limited liability partnership as their business legal structure, support market segmentation to achieve the most appropriate marketing mix. Running a health club with a simple operation model and an attractive business model to consumers might be the most efficient business pattern for a newcomer in business to take full advantage of their former job. In this case, a brand new football-themed health club facing mid-and-low-end consumers whose legal structure is limited liability partnership might be a promising plan.
在最后一块conclusion中,两者的差别其实不是非常的大,只是还有两点细微的差距,是我们在平时写作essay时可以给到我们帮助的。首先,conclusion段落的一般格式“thesis statement加summaries加closing statement”中,thesis statement并不需要和开头的一样,或者说不应该和开头的一样,而应该是将开头所使用的thesis statement讲得更加深入。因为结尾中所使用的中心句已经是你在经过一整篇文章的调研之后,思考后的结果,而开头的只是简单的针对dissertation题目的回答。