1.1 General Information
The tasks of a warehouse management are becoming more tedious because of the growing number of people applying for size of warehouse to the warehouse office. Warehouse Management System is a web Based Application. Different Users involved here can view stock details, order details, sales .By using this tool automatically the users knew the details of the stock, order and purchases. Whenever the customer purchases the product the Warehouse Management System automatically updates the stock of the product
This software keep list of opening stock, closing stock also the Warehouse Management System can give the fast and accurate checking of the product details in less time. Also it is very useful for users to know about the products stock, orders and sales. Whenever we want to check easily and its takes less time. In mandatory checking they have to maintain many files and it takes much time to check about particular product sales and all the details.
Types of users
The administrator who is management staff at his office who takes decisions on various tasks whether to issue them or not.
The users who have applied for some size of warehouse or perches any material. The users can monitor the status from time to time the proceedings in his/her task.
The administrator who have to verify the users who applied for the warehouse size or purchasing any material, verify their address and other history and check the material stock.
Tasks handled by this system
Issue of various size of warehouse.
Issue of purchasing.
Verifi of details of person who applied for size of warehouse.
Placing the warehouse’ information.
Allotment of warehouse size to the user.
1.2 Statement of problem
There was a need of an automated application for handling and managing all these forms effectively and securely so, then the warehouse management system came into picture.#p#分页标题#e#
warehouse management system overcomes all the above drawbacks and gives a greater GUI for the user to search and apply the forms.
In terms of security it’s a highly secured application because of it’s auto login feature.
The tasks of a admin are becoming more tedious because of the growing number of people applying for everything to the warehouse office. Before “Warehouse management system” application, it was very hard for the admin or associate to keep track of all the forms. Previously it was impossible for the associates to share their forms automatically to others also to view approved form all in a single page.
1.3 The objectives of the system
The applicant has to enter the applicant details for applying the certificate.
Provide an efficient mechanism to move the files from one department to another very easily. The department person needs to update the current status of the file.
All the details need to be maintained in the database.
Only the authorized person can approve the file and store the details inside the database.
All the tenders are to be accepted from the registered contractors for a specific work between specific dates and show all the tenders in a tabular format.
The time limit will be maintained.
Reports will be generated as and when needed.
1.4 Methodology
This project is developing based on Agile model development lifecycle steps. The main steps which I am following are described below:
Analyze the current Requirement:- In this stage I have analyzed the current requirements of Collector related to form management through the survey I have done. As the model is Agile a minimum requirements and planning is required to get started.
Figure1.1: Agile Life Cycle
System & software design
This involves an architectural design which defines and describes the main modules of the Warehouse Management System, their interfaces and interactions.
Based on the software design document the work is aiming to set up the defined modules or units and actual coding as well as an functional aspect of software.
Each unit is developed independently so after integration the system is tested to check whether or not the system is fulfilling its current requirements.
After these steps the demo was given to the client for there feedback and to ensure that the system is ready to deploy or not, if not all the above steps was followed until the system fulfills all the requirements.#p#分页标题#e#
When to use agile model
When new changes are needed to be implemented. The freedom agile gives to change is very important. New changes can be implemented at very little cost because of the frequency of new increments that are produced.
To implement a new feature the developers need to lose only the work of a few days, or even only hours, to roll back and implement it.
Unlike thewaterfall modelin agile model very limitedplanningis required to get started with the project. Agile assumes that the end users’ needs are ever changing in a dynamic business and IT world. Changes can be discussed and features can be newly effected or removed based on feedback. This effectively gives the customer the finished system they want or need.
Both system developers and stakeholders alike, find they also get more freedom of time and options than if the software was developed in a more rigid sequential way. Having options gives them the ability to leave important decisions until more or better data or even entire hosting programs are available; meaning the project can continue to move forward without fear of reaching a sudden standstill.
Advantages of Agile model
Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software.
People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools. Customers, developers and testers constantly interact with each other.
Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months).
Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.
Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers.
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
Regular adaptation to changing circumstances.
Even late changes in requirements are welcomed
Disadvantages of Agile model
In case of some software deliverables, especially the large ones, it is difficult to assess the effort required at the beginning of thesoftware development life cycle.
There is lack of emphasis on necessary designing and documentation.
The project can easily get taken off track if the customer representative is not clear what final outcome that they want.
Only senior programmers are capable of taking the kind of decisions required during the development process. Hence it has no place for newbie programmers, unless combined with experienced resources.
1.5 Scope of the project
Create different forms and assign corresponding privileges.
Maintain a centralized database to provide security to information which can be accessed only by the admin.
Admin logs on to his account to approve/decline/reject the forms which are send by customer to get space, under verification.
Track all the customer and their contact details.#p#分页标题#e#
All users are authenticated to avail the service.
Confirmation link is sent to the new user and Admin when signing up.
FAQ section is also included for users benefit and sequential verification is done for issuing certificates.
1.6 Hardware and Software requirements
Minimum Hardware specifications
Processor : P IV 1.6 GHz
Memory : 1024 Mb RAM
Hard Disk Capacity : 20Gb or more
Floppy Disk Capacity : 1.44Mb
Display Card : SVGA
Minimum Software specifications
Operating System : Windows 7
Front End : Visual Studio 2010
Web Application Tools : ASP. Net , C#
Internet Tools : Microsoft FrontPage Express
Browsers : Internet Explorer 6.0
Back End : SQL server 2008
1.7 Organization of the report
The Report has been organized in to 11 chapters.
Chapter 2: Literature survey: This chapter will present Functional, Non-functional requirements, Domain requirements, and System requirements of Warehouse Management System.
Chapter 3: System Requirements Specification: This chapter will present Functional, Non-Functional requirements, Domain requirements of Warehouse Management System.
Chapter 4: System Analysis: This chapter explains in details about Existing system, Need for the System. Feasibility study, use case analysis, sequential models of Warehouse Management System.
Chapter 5: System Design: This chapter present discusses the overall architectural design of the Warehouse Management System.
Chapter 6: Implementation: This chapter gives the coding conventions and sample code of Warehouse Management System.
Chapter 7: Testing: This chapter explains various testing techniques adopted to test the Warehouse Management System.
Chapter 8: Results/Screen Shots: This chapter gives the full screen shots of the Warehouse Management System
Chapter 9: Conclusion: This chapter summarizes the Warehouse Management System and the successful tasks which have been completed.
Chapter 10: Annexure: This chapter contains the screen shots of various modules of Warehouse Management System.
Chapter 11: Bibliography: This chapter includes the information of references, books, articles etc referred during the Warehouse Management System.
In an organization every piece of information does matters so also in Warehouse office. Many forms are applied, applying and likely to apply inside Warehouse office. The details of these forms are very much important to keep track of the details. All the applying forms, status etc comes under event so should be handled and organized properly.#p#分页标题#e#
To understand the current scenario I had done a survey which reveals the major problems of the current system which was full manual and time consuming, The major overheads of the current system is mentioned below:
Currently Warehouse team is managing all the forms and associates information manually which is very hard in terms of maintenance, flexibility and accuracy. No web based application is there for providing the sharing facility of these forms so, it’s a headache to manage and organize such a huge data but after using ‘Warehouse Management System’ application will provide a big relief as then office people can approve, manage and organize the forms information easily.
The survey also helped me to get the information about users interest on GUI and how they want the application to be. To match the current Warehouse system, have analyzed some of the existing online applications and tried to get the work flow of it, which helped me a lot in the designing of the application.
This application is mainly developed to overcome all the limitations of the existing manual system highlighted during the survey.
The main facilities that the new system (Warehouse Management System) is providing are discussed in the next slide:
warehouse Management System lets you create multiple forms. Each forms can be shared with other associates using flexible permissions (admin, make changes, view only.). Warehouse Management System can used to maintain and custom views as well as an agenda.
An user can request for multiple forms, update it and cancel those forms requested by him/her. User can also search status and user details based on his/her own preferred field.
A admin will have all the privileges of an associate with some extra privileges like approving or denying the requested forms, adding and modifying forms and form type.
To log a certification associate are provided a form wherein they fill there form details with multi-window search option. After the forms is accepted by the collector the form will be displayed with its status and the associate will be notified by an email. This web application is easy to use and gives all relevant information regarding the warehouse status.
This application is providing a functionality to the admin by which he can track the forms of those users who are applying the forms and also view those in the frame and analyze the data.
The new system is very much capable of fulfilling the current requirements and can be easily modified or change based on the new requirements.
3.1 Functional Requirements#p#分页标题#e#
The main inputs, outputs and major functions of the system are as follows.
Administrator enters his user id and password.
Users enter their user id and password.
Users apply for the warehouse in those they need to apply.
Administrator enters the details of the contractors for creating logins for the registered user.
Customer user enters into their account provide the status of the applicant to the administrator regarding to issue the warehouse or not.
Administrator receives the user details and also his personal details.
Supplier get the details of the customer those who are applied for the warehouse.
Administrator gets the details of the verified applicants those who are applied for the warehouse from supplier.
Administrator receives applied reports.
Customer receives requested reports.
Supplier receives customer verification reports.
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements
Performance Characteristics
The performance characteristics of the system depend on the usage of system by the user under the normal conditions this system will yields good results.
Quality Issues
Quality of the system depends on how reliable, available, robust should be the system. This system ensures the factors by maintaining a lot of validation checking and it can be suited to any organizations.
Physical Environment
The system is deployed in one sub-collector Office. The organization has the ultimate responsibility to safeguard the system from various disasters.
User Interface and Human Factors
The user interface used is a graphical user interface (GUI). When the user clicks buttons, select the checkbox item, uses the mouse or perform any relate action, an interface event occurs.
A little training for the user to the system is needed. A preliminary user manual with all user commands, screen formats. An explanation is giving how to feedback and error messages.
Error Handling and Extreme Conditions
Any errors during the development of the system should be handled so that the system can be remodeled to obtain accurate system.
User is provided a manual in the system. This will guide user or the operator in driving the system in a perfect manner. There is no need to specify the technical documentation for the user.
Resource Issues
Developers should be take concern about resource utilization issues the resources must be used in reasonable and efficient manner. Insufficient use of the resources request in the increase of cost of automation of project over manual system.#p#分页标题#e#
3.3 Domain Requirements
Describe system characteristics and features that reflect the domain:
May be new functional requirements, constraints on existing requirements or may define specific computations.
If domain requirements are not satisfied, the system may be unworkable.
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Domain requirement issues
Requirements are expressed in the language of the application domain this is often not understood by software engineers developing the system.
Implicitness Domain specialists understand the area so well that they do not think of making the domain requirements explicit.
4.1 Existing system
Existing system is a manual one in which users are maintaining books to store the information like product details, Distributors details, purchases, sales details and accounts for every month. It is very difficult to maintain historical data.
If an applicant applies for a store then the admin has to enter the applicant details in the database and assign it appropriate supplier for further verification. Immediately the responsible supplier has to verify the candidate details and send the feedback to admin then the store will be issued to the candidate from admin through post.
For completing works in the warehouse the admin has to announce the store work details manually to all the registered customers for accepting the tenders from the customers. After accepting the tenders from the contracts the admin has to decide to which customer we have to allot this work based on the amount they have quoted and the no of the days they have quoted to complete the work.
4.1.1 Limitations of the existing system
The existing system employs a lot of man-hours both for preparing the entering the data, partition the warehouse , checking the details and announcing the status.
This time consuming evaluation coupled by the huge manpower requirement may also lead to erroneous results. To maintain the personal details of the candidate in a file manually may result in some loss of data and difficulty to store.
An employee of the admin has to enter the applicant data and move the file to the responsible authority manually is a time taking process. Meanwhile if the applicant wants to know the status of his file then he needs to come to the come to warehouse office manually and ask the warehouse staff.
The drawbacks in the existing system are as follows:
More paper work
Loss in Data
Less Security#p#分页标题#e#
Time Delay
More Clerical Work
Human Fatigue
Fear of environment
Chance for errors
Delay of results
4.2 Proposed System
The proposed system will be developed on client/server architecture. The user can logon to the internet and view the warehouse details from anywhere.
The WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT TOOL is a software application which avoids more manual hours that need to spend in record keeping and generating reports. This application keeps the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It is very easy to manage historical data in database. No specific training is required for the distributors to use this application. They can easily use the tool that decreases manual hours spending for normal things and hence increases the performance. It is very easy to record the information of online sales and purchases in the databases.
The system also allows the warehouse applicant user to check the current status of the warehouse which include the status of order and stock. One department can move the file to another department and update the status in the previous department.
The objectives of the system are as follows:
The applicant has to enter the applicant details and warehouse details for applying the warehouse .
Provide an efficient mechanism to move the files from one department to another very easily. The department person needs to update the current status of the file.
All the details need to be maintained in the database.
Only the authorized person can approve the file and store the details inside the database.
All the tenders are to be accepted from the registered contractors for a specific work between specific dates and show all the tenders in a tabular format
The time limit will be maintained.
Reports will be generated as and when needed.
Merits of the Proposed System
Automate all warehouse transactions
Reduce Paper Work
Immediate Accessing of Details
High Security
Providing Accurate Information
Providing Overall Reliability
Easy to use, effective and efficient