Chapter Seven provides a summarized interpretation and analysis of the previous empirical data obtained from interviews and questionnaires. Consolidated the findings with literature review, discussions are made on the following issues, which are (i) CSFs and CFFs of construction project manager’s leadership; (ii) impact of construction project manager’s leadership on project performance; and (iii) the comparison of leadership behaviours between PRC and UK project managers.
Interview on CSFs and CFFs
Four interviews were conducted on CSFs and CFFs. The finding is that these factors with weighting more than 4 are more critical. In the context of China construction industry, the critical factors including: influence, create clarity in communication, Define roles and responsibilities, Managing resources, Organization awareness, Team collaboration, Engaging communication, Empowering, Achieving
Intellectual competencies, Strategic perspective. In the context of the UK construction industry, the critical factors include: motivation, sensitivity, emotional resilience, create clarity in communication, communication expectations, establish trust, managing resources, conflict management, analytical thinking, flexibility, team collaboration, engaging communication.
The conclusion is that the critical factors are not the same in China and the UK as the culture difference. In the context of globalization in this world, attention has to be put on these differences in order to obtain success projects.
Questionnaire on CSFs
Section 2 and 3 in the questionnaire survey separately addressed the CSFs and CFFs. What should be noted is that although items in this section are the opposite / negative description of the CSFs, it is not the same extent of such a pair of items’ influence on success and failure. For example, an item may have a significant influence on the success of a project manager’s leadership, but without such item, it does not mean the leadership will fail. Because regarding the leadership styles, it is not a simple question of what behaviour is right or wrong, it should count into various affecting factors to adopt the most suitable leadership approach in a particular situation.
In respect to the CSFs, the total mean scores of the groups of CSFs are 3.36 on project management factors, 3.68 on relationship management factors, 3.91 on
http://www.ukthesis.org/dissertation_writing/Engineering/ management skills factors, 3.62 on risk management factors and 3.48 on problem solving / conflict resolution factors. Therefore, the management skills of a project manager are considered as the most agreed and important. The most recognized three factors in this category are A. Clarification of work break-down and individual responsibilities, D. Clear and proper organization structure and communication route and F. Motivating team members according to their own strengths and weaknesses.
The second high score is achieved on relationship management factors, which indicates the relationship management capacities of project managers are major leadership skills. Among the internal and external relationships, the mostly agreed three CSFs are A. Effective communication with team members to earn team member’s support, C. Effective communication with clients and sub-contractors to understand their needs and requirements from the very beginning in strategic planning phase and G. Regularly providing feedbacks of project performance to clients and sub-contractors.
Risk management abilities are also considered as important with a mean score of 3.62, ranking the third among the five groups. The most recognized factor is B. Managing risks and changes across the entire project related on time, cost, quality and health and safety. The fourth ranking leadership capacity is problem solving / conflict resolution ability of project managers. With the lowest score of 3.36, it is concluded that the technical capacities of the project manager is not that important as the other groups from the perspective of leadership.
Therefore, the empirical findings are consistent with broad literature reviews that considering the leadership of a project manager, his / her management skills, relationship and risk management capacities are more important than more technical capacities such as acquiring the construction techniques.